From Medscape:My point was more that people usually try and convince themselves that it's definitely not DCS even though the symptoms appeared after diving. It's not going to hurt anything to take some aspirin, drink some water and breathe O-2 for a while.
Aspirin: Aspirin blocks prostaglandin synthetase action, inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis and preventing the formation of platelet-aggregating thromboxane A2. Its mechanism of action in the treatment of DCS unclear. It has been suggested that aspirin could do harm; therefore, it is no longer recommended for routine use in DCS.
From DANIn some hyperbaric treatment facilities, aspirin is prescribed as an adjunct to hyperbaric therapy based on the hypothesis that it will “thin” the blood and increase offgassing, thus increasing the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).4 Although this sounds prudent, the evidence supporting its prescription is controversial; what are needed next are randomized clinical trials in which some patients receive aspirin and others do not. Until then we will not know for sure if aspirin is beneficial in HBOT.