I Still Feel Like I'm On The Boat

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Will I get used to the movement if I'm on a dive boat often? If this happens every time...man...it'll be interesting walking to class on those cobble stone streets in Boston...
Stop by a pub and pick up a pint of Guinness- that ought to straighten you right out. :D
I sometimes get it when I'm lying in bed after a dive with lots of surge. It's never made me feel ill but there is definitely a sense of movement to and a fro. It usually makes me smile but then I drift off to sleep...
Hey folks,

I woke up this morning and I'm still rocking all over the place. Yesterday I could understand how I could still feel this way because I didn't get a very good night sleep from Sunday into Monday, but last night I slept 10 hours. What do I do? :doctor: It's been two days since I've been on the boat...

I get my sea legs quite quickly but my land legs can take days to come back, one thing I have found that helps is ginger. Kind of a natural motion sickness remedy. It will pass, the longest I have had it last is 5 days, beyond that it was a trip to the doctor to see about fluid in the middle ear.
I sometimes get it when I'm lying in bed after a dive with lots of surge. It's never made me feel ill but there is definitely a sense of movement to and a fro. It usually makes me smile but then I drift off to sleep...

It's a very soothing feeling when I'm trying to sleep. I actually kind of liked it last night, lol. But, trying to drive to the bank this morning to make a deposit in my scuba gear fund was absolute Hell. I was all over the place. The bank teller who knows me quite well asked me if I were drunk...:jump3:.
It's a very soothing feeling when I'm trying to sleep. I actually kind of liked it last night, lol. But, trying to drive to the bank this morning to make a deposit in my scuba gear fund was absolute Hell. I was all over the place. The bank teller who knows me quite well asked me if I were drunk...:jump3:.

WERE you?
You might try some meclizine. It goes by Dramamine II or other generic versions. It is taken for sea sickness but can also help stabilize the inner ear which is what you're experiencing problems with. I had similar issues when I was a new diver. I think it will pass over time and if you dive regularly will probably not be an issue. I solved the problem by diving regularly ... at least once a month and often 2-5 times a month.
But, trying to drive to the bank this morning to make a deposit in my scuba gear fund was absolute Hell. I was all over the place. The bank teller who knows me quite well asked me if I were drunk...:jump3:.
Incidentally, while I'd certainly hope you would never drink and drive, if you're rather sure you can't pass a sobriety test, it's probably a good idea to have zeroes on the breath and blood tests, just in case. :D
Not neccessarily dive related, an inner ear infection can cause balance issues that might lead others to wonder if you are drunk.

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