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I remember when I was going thru cave, and we were doing our S drills at the eye. My dive buddy signals OOA and I hand him my long hose. I notice that he's breathing away but staring at me rather intently. after about 20 seconds I realized that I didn't bother to grab my second reg and just sat there blowing little bubbles out.:shakehead Our instructor, laughing out loud, gave us the thumbs up and proceded to inform me that it would probably be a good idea to eventually breathe when I give away my long hose.:confused: It was a total brain fart moment, and that same dive buddy still screws with me about this when we do an S drill. Oh well, that's why they call it learning.

Cheers. :D

Oh, that's EXACTLY what I wanted to read!

Oh, thank God, it happens to somebody else!

Heh, and from Danny on our cave 1 course day 4 (he still has 4-5 things we need to fix on our valve/s-drills)

"You people are supposed to have been through a tech class for godsakes-- stop clipping things off two handed!"

One from my fundies - not nearly as hilarious as some of the posts here..

During basic 5 drills, I can't remember exactly how it happened, but I screwed up a couple of tries, and got lost in what state I was is. Ended up I was breathing off my backup and had my primary clipped off, but for some reason thought I was breathing from my primary. I felt a little tugging when I moved my head, so naturally thought that I had forgot to unclip my primary. So I unclipped it. (The tugging was actually do to my hose routing not being ideal, and the backup reg hose being shorter than it should have been).

So now I'm breathing off my backup, thinking its my primary, and my primary is actually floating around behind my head somewhere while I complete my basic 5. The instructor obviously sees this, and tells me to do an S-drill with my buddy OOG. She didn't notice the sorry state of my breathing gear, and signals OOG and drops her reg. I remove my backup from my mouth, wondering what the hell its getting stuck on! Needless to say the instructor intervened at that time and got me to re-do my Basic 5 and S-drill :)

Now onto a better story, relayed from another diver who had just completed Tech-1 on the same day. The students had completed most of their dives, and were on the last pleasure dive for the course. Let's call them Bob and Sam.

Weather was rough as guts, wind started to pick up, and 1-2m swells started coming in on a boat full of OW, AOW and Tech1 students. Bob, Sam and Instructor trying to manouver with their rigs around OW students hurling over the side and stern of boat, eventually get into the water. Bob was on deco duty, Sam was on SMB deploment.

On ascent, they hit their first deep stop, Bob resets his bottom timer for the stop. Screen goes dead. No drama, Sam takes over deco and they continue their ascent. Bob's now on SMB deployment, but his SMB has gone AWOL. No drama, Sam pulls his out and hands it across. Time to switch gases. Bob turns on his stage, sees the guage start to move, switches regs and goes back to monitoring deco time. Couple of minutes later his stage is OOG! (Most likely the valve may have been knocked open on the busy boat, and gas escaped through the current on descent). He signals OOG and the three finish their dive sharing deco gas.
Dir-f First dive I am labeled #1 (I guess because I was only one in drysuit & doubles?) OK we're supposed to descend to a line that is already laid out. Nerves, gotta nail this simple bouyancy and gain browny points. I decend ~ 30', see the line and stop about 2 feet above the line. Perfect! then hmm something feels odd, my one foot seems to be just flopping around, I look down and discover I lost a fin! Ive never lost a fin before (thank god for spring straps) I flounder around with one fin trying to recover and don my wayward turtle... get in line and trim just in time to see a team mate fly straight up to the surface fast! feet first... Everyone on the surface, foot first rocket man face down in the water hyperventalating...I'm closest so I flip him over inflate his bc and suit, he says he cant breath through his reg.... so I have to pull it out of his mouth??? he sits out the rest of the day and we have a great class. Second day first dive, we're all psyched, surface swimming on our back to the site when I notice a slight leak on my inflator, oh its the oring on the actuall air fitting, no problem, Ill unhook the inflator hose, loosen the fitting, retighten, reinstall inflator hose and Im golden! Well, that was the plan, I unhook the hose and the damn schraeder valve comes tearing out of the hose and I got to practice a right post shut down. I quickly switched to my backup but I must admit it was nice having 4 regs shoved in my face attached to 7' hoses! The worst part, the instructor didn't get to witness my smooth valve shut down... instead I got spoken to about performing a solo decent after I fixed my rig and rejoined the class.....
I'm sure I'll have a bunch of stories in a few weeks time, when I take DIR-F. Meanwhile the dumbest thing I have done is descend on my snorkel instead of my reg - done that half a dozen times.
Okey Mrs Borg queen... you practice every weekend.... you analyze and nit pick everything... you are on every DIR board around and own more gear than a small mid west dive store.... you'll do fine with Rec Triox..... as long as you don't end up with a 4 ft PVC pipe balanced on your doubles aaaannndddd it gets on video aaaaannnddd it get's posted.... then we'll laugh at you and you'll look like a dork :)
What? You ride horses for fun and you are afraid of a GUE instructor??

I was doing a few dives off of a boat that had an AOW class on it. On my way up the mooring I was goofing off a bit and doing my ascent face up. It was going rather well and my buddy finally joined in on the safety stop. Just hanging out, watching the bubbles, getting some sun on our faces... When we got back on the boat we heard the instructor telling his students that it's a problem that can happen when you have a heavy steel tank and a bc that is too small. We let out a bit of a chuckle as we assumed he was messing with his students then were given the "using the wrong tool for the job" speech and that our gear was inadequate. Anyway...I'm still happy with my backplate and 30 pound wing.

Good luck and ENJOY the class!!
Great thread! :D

My wife keeps asking what I'm laughing at. I'm reading her some of the posts. I read her the one about the instructor swimming into the the bag shoot and stopping the bag from going up.

"Isn't that how you failed fundies?" she asks.

"I didn't fail fundies! I was provisional..."

She shrugs and goes back to her own laptop. Whatever.

Not DIR, but during my full trimix class, my instructors asks me on the pre-brief if I verified that I can orally inflate by breathing into my inflater.

"Absolutely," I say.

Later, we watch the video. I did not orally inflate.

He asks if I have my stages clipped in, in the correct order (on the prior dive, they were backwards, and he went ballistic).

"Of course they're in the right order," I say. Scheesh!

The stages were backwards.

"Not only are you a bad diver," he says, "but you're a lier, too."

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