Where to even begin?
DIR-F -- two uncontrolled ascents to the surface as soon as I took a reg out of my mouth. Later managed to "blame" it on a runaway inflator, but still (and the resulting shenanigans while the assistant instructor who shall remain nameless but is now a GUE instructor tried to find the rest of the team will not be mentioned here
Somehow managed to pass that one.
Dive 1: tying the reel off not to the perfectly acceptable metal auger drilled into the seabed, OR the upline going to a buoy at the surface, but a 4 foot piece of line with (of all things) a thermometer on it!
Tossing away the reel as soon as a buddy went OOA, causing a (instructor-aided) violent silt-out and lost line.
Losing control of my buddy on unresponsive diver drill and me going off one way and him another.
One guy out of mask, one with a valve failure, one goes OOA (I think) and having all three divers chained together. Worse: Even on the dive after the fact, not getting that this was a "bad idea" (tm) until Gideon patiently explained it to us.
Blowing through many stops.
Buddy had a deco bottle stolen (no way anyone could steal anything from me though I thought -- until cave1 class0
Buddy was reeling in the bag but never clipped it off, I was out of mask. Just to show him, Gideon put our 3rd member OOM too -- resulting CF was NOT pretty.
Somehow passed this one
cave 1
Where to begin (did NOT pass this one!)
Going in completely wrong side of cave.
Being told to tie off to a tree in carwash, and having no idea where it is (except I was holding it)
Getting into a cave only to discover (when I needed to go for it) that Danny had somehow stolen a backup light
Dropping the reel after an OOA without locking it "That took me quite some time to de-tangle" said Danny as he surfaced with a perfectly fine reel.
Getting hopelessly lost 3x in carwash, and having to have Danny show us the way with his light.
knocking off a mainline tie in satans silt hole.
Many many team ordering issues.
Hideous line work (many missed ties, line traps)
does the list ever end?