I guess I'm spoiled...

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Scuba Instructor
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Washington State
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I just don't log dives
After discussing with my children about how fun it would be to drive through the Aloha Run as we exited Ford Island Bridge... we decided that we should go to the Honolulu Zoo instead.

I guess with the diving (with the exception of young Kingsly) and other expeditions that the kids and I have been on; we have started to expect too much. The excitement of the Zoo just isn't there anymore.

Sure the anticipation caused by the sign warning of mating rhinoceroses and the possibilities of monkeys flinging poo; had both me and the boys looking forward see the animals. But alas, the animals also seemed to be enjoying Presidents Day. It seemed that the best view of any animal was of it sleeping with it's butt towards us (granted my kids thought it may have been funny). Not even my best Steve Irwin impersonation (holding the baby over a crocodile, not playing with stingrays:11: ), would draw an annoyed look from any of these beast.

Maybe we'll try again when young Kingsly becomes more interested in monkeys, vice drooling on his bib.
Fishb0y, Try to go on a Saturday night. They offer a guided tour so you can see animals night behavior. Heard it's pretty cool. You have to make reservations though. I'm thinking of going either this weekend or next.
I heard about that, it might be R rated. They call it something about doing the wild thing.:blinking:
Oh Ya, Im there!.....
Like I said... there's a sign up at the Rhino enclosure warning parents that Mr. & Ms. Rhino were frisky....did I mention that they weren't even married?

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