Let me say this... take it FWIW.
I had a friend who thought they were bent (skin bends, full body "tingles"). They called DAN... Went to hyperbaric doc. They said, "yup you're bent" - dive profile was within limits, no reason for getting bent.
This friend went through several treatments in the chamber over a two week period.
Several months later; it somehow came around again. The final diagnosis: Poor circulation. NOT Bent.
What I'm saying is: Unless they did a doppler test on you to check for microbubbles, you may or may not have actually been bent. I'm certainly not a doctor, but keep in mind... You may not have actually been bent.
If I were you though, and even thought I was bent. I would:
A) Start diving Nitrox instead of air if you plan on doing these kinds of profiles in the future.
2) Increase the conservatism factor on my computer, of in lieu of that; be more conservative in my dive plan and/or NDL time remaining on my computer.
I'll say this about me.
I had done some deep dives, and had some minor symptoms after a deep dive (minor). But even still... on the subsequent dive, I changed my gradient factor from 30/85 to 30/80 - giving me MORE decompression time in the shallow stops. I had no symptoms at all after that. Was it just a pain from before or not? Who knows, but adding conservatism to your profile wouldn't hurt.