12 second exhale is not very relaxed, because I need to resist that I don't exhale faster. 8s exhale is relaxing and I don't have think about that.
I have now 350 dives, and been professional for around 200 dives.
We could do fun dives, but I already dive 5-7x/week, so don't have time and motivation for fun diving. My ears struggle with this schedule already (infection now and then).
Yeah I have AI (Suunto ocean + pod), but that always tells me weird SAC rates. Usually lot lower or higher than they usually are. Like yesterday I had 65L/min SAC according to Suunto.
I've been trying that pulsing method, but I just feel that I suffocate while doing that.
Almost impossible to get steel tanks here... Gotta try to inhale slower.
Don't know about PADI tests, but SSI test are easy. I think it was 250m swim and I swim usually 1,5-2km in pool
Yes I stress a lot underwater (customers, navigation, visibility, can I find anything nice to show to customers etc). Even that I know my dive sites very well, I still stress that I get lost.
I had week ago weird morning dives where everything went super well:
- Slept almost 5 hours (Usually I can sleep 2-4hours)
- Good Viz
- Familiar dive site
- Familiar customers
- 0 current
- Mask didn't leak. I have beard, so mask usually always leaks so much, that I have to empty mask every 2-3 minutes.
My SAC rate for both of those 2 morning dives were 13l/min! And I felt so relaxed and chilled underwater.
But after that even I had similar conditions (but normal 2-4h/night sleeps), my SAC went back to 17l, and been on that since