A hammerhead swam right through our drift in Jupiter. I was trying to get positioned to be in strobe range on two Goliath groupers and gave up due to the current and turned as the hammerhead passed through the group. I was not close enough to get a shot, some photos are best taken with the memory chip in our head

Hammerhead, yes. Oceanic no! Bull, maybe, maybe not.
Maybe it was shark week but this series of dives it was shark, turtle, shark, goliath, shark, turtle over and over. Lemons, reefs, a few bulls and a hammerhead. Nobody got ate.
I have found when drifting with a group the best place to be is up front and I try to get up front but often wind up trailing way behind which is the other good spot to be. It seems all the critters get scared off by the gaggle and with me trailing way behind (as in quite a ways back) I often check my six to find various critters coming back in. Sometimes it can be creepy. Last summer in Jupiter I had a regulator issue and I will leave it at that but during the resulting deco I had a failry large bull accompany me. I was kind of in distress though outwardly I doubt I showed it. But annimals have that sense sometimes. That was creepy and again I was bringing up the rear and was well behind the main group when I had the issue. And what made it doubly creepy is that the bull had first come up behind me, not close but in trail, before I had the problem. So he was following me.
I did a solo dive on the Destin Jetty a few years back and a medium size bull shark and me sort of had a misunderstanding. He three times tried to get in behind me and I kept turning and he would veer off only to come from another direction. I was on to his tricks. And he was swimming fast with fins down. I did a 180 and worked my way back around to the inlet side of the jetty, never saw him again once around the jetty. As I was climbing ashore some beer belly dufus yells out in a condescending tone something to the effect, hey, SCUBA Steve, see any sharks? I of course said, well, as a matter of fact, uh, no, did not see any. So, I watched the news that evening but nobody got eaten so I was dissappointed a little
