Would love too except, $200-$400 for wet and $1000-$2500 for dry, well.....Actually, I rarely get cold. I dove the Yukon four times in 52°/54° - no problem. So the extra bucks for a drysuit doesn't justify. Also, I have a pea-sized bladder and wetsuits are more forgiving
Looking at the whole picture rather than just the price tag, a wetsuit at $200-$400 that lasts 250 dives will have an ultimate cost of $1600-$3200 over the course of 2000 dives. A single drysuit is likely to last 2000 dives with a little bit of maintenance. As far as the pee factor is concerned, there is much more of a drive to pee while wearing a wetsuit than while dry.
I am certainly not telling anyone that they have to dive dry, but I do strongly recommend that anyone in the market for a 7mm at least investigate drysuits. Hitting a local DUI Dog rally would be a great place to start. schedule here:
DUI DOG Rally and Demo Day Tour - come scuba test dive a DUI drysuit