why dont you pee before you dive....i dont understand why anyone would do the pee valve thing thats just foolish
Allow me to 'splain something to you, dude. Check out this profile, yanked at random:
V-Planner 3.71 by R. Hemingway, VPM code by Erik C. Baker.
Decompression model: VPM - B
Surface interval = 1 day 0 hr 0 min.
Elevation = 0ft
Conservatism = + 1
Dec to 30ft (1) Nitrox 36 30ft/min descent.
Dec to 100ft (2) Nitrox 36 60ft/min descent.
Dec to 200ft (3) Trimix 15/55 60ft/min descent.
Dec to 240ft (4) Trimix 15/55 60ft/min descent.
Level 240ft 25:30 (30) Trimix 15/55 1.24 ppO2, 71ft ead, 90ft end
Asc to 200ft (31) Trimix 15/55 -30ft/min ascent.
Asc to 180ft (32) Trimix 15/55 -20ft/min ascent.
Stop at 160ft 1:40 (34) Trimix 15/55 0.88 ppO2, 40ft ead, 54ft end
Stop at 140ft 4:00 (38) Trimix 15/55 0.79 ppO2, 33ft ead, 45ft end
Stop at 120ft 2:00 (40) Trimix 15/55 0.69 ppO2, 25ft ead, 36ft end
Stop at 110ft 2:00 (42) Nitrox 36 1.56 ppO2, 83ft ead
Stop at 100ft 1:00 (43) Nitrox 36 1.45 ppO2, 75ft ead
Stop at 90ft 2:00 (45) Nitrox 36 1.34 ppO2, 67ft ead
Stop at 80ft 2:00 (47) Nitrox 36 1.23 ppO2, 59ft ead
Stop at 70ft 3:00 (50) Nitrox 36 1.12 ppO2, 50ft ead
Stop at 60ft 4:00 (54) Nitrox 36 1.01 ppO2, 42ft ead
Stop at 50ft 5:00 (59) Nitrox 36 0.90 ppO2, 34ft ead
Stop at 40ft 8:00 (67) Nitrox 36 0.80 ppO2, 26ft ead
Stop at 30ft 10:00 (77) Nitrox 36 0.69 ppO2, 18ft ead
Stop at 20ft 12:00 (89) Oxygen 1.60 ppO2, 0ft ead
Stop at 10ft 21:00 (110) Oxygen 1.30 ppO2, 0ft ead
Surface (111) Oxygen -10ft/min ascent.
Off gassing starts at 193.7ft
OTU's this dive: 133
CNS Total: 66.1%
215.0 cu ft Trimix 15/55
52.6 cu ft Nitrox 36
23.2 cu ft Oxygen
290.8 cu ft TOTAL
Note a coupla things:
1. Bottom time is only 30 minutes long.
2. Deco, however, is 81 minutes long on this profile.
3. Total run time then is 111 minutes long.
Now a coupla other things:
1. One of the corollating precursors for DCI is dehydration. So, you don't want to be dehydrated before the dive. (This means drink LOTS of water before the dive...)
2. It occasionally is chilly at 240 fsw. Going from hot (surface) to cold (240') can result in an urge to pee! (Trust me)
3. If you try to surface to pee with 81 minutes of deco that you haven't done, you may wind up in a wheelchair or seriously dead.
4. But, holding it in for 81 minutes while you're decoing feels like holding it in for 81 hours. Pissing yourself is an option, of course, but its inelegant. Then, too, you get real cold after awhile.
5. Therefore, a pee valve is a pretty necessary thing if you're going to safely execute reasonably lengthy dives in an intelligent manner.
This is an example of a good one:
Hope that clarifies the issues. As always, your mileage may vary...