How do you finance your Addiction??

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ME: Consultant (WiFi networks)
Also, part time geek for non-technical companies.

Wife: Sr Mgr in HR..

She subsidizes my expenses providing much discretionary spending! :)
Union carpenter for 17 years. I also do work on my own and that money is all for having fun..usually dive related.

I also stayed single and never had kids. Two big ++.
People pay me to make things out of metal for them..bldgs,railings,stairs etc. Then after I pay my staff,the insurance companies, my suppliers and uncle sam on a rare occassion there is some money left, I go diving. Oh yeh I might even pay a house bill or two. Any body familiar with that concept called saving?????????? If so how does that work??
Own my own trucking business... Advantage: Allows me to schedule time off whenever I want it, Write off all trips as a business expense.
Disadvantage: Whenever I take more than a day off, it takes me twice as long to get things back on track when I get back. So by the time everything is back on track.. I need another trip. What a vicious cycle
Retired union construction electrician. Counting Soc.Sec., four checks come in every month like clockwork. Everything paid for years ago. Live on one check, one goes to help other folks, blow one and dive trip once a month on the SS check. How sweet it is.
Manufacturing Engineer. I get four weeks vacation and all major holidays each year and seldom have to work more than 40 hrs. per week.
Manual laborer ... I write 'em, other folks read 'em ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
So I don't have a career yet because I don't know what I want to do every day for the rest of my life.


Who says it has to be the rest of your life?

At 45 I've swapped careers on average every three years since graduation. Current incarnation is as a Bond Trader (nothing like that book, honest) but I've also been a photographer/teacher/QA Tech/IT help desk/Programmer/Quant and a few less notable.

Don’t let them turn you into a wage slave.. the greatest freedom you can have and the most sure way to advance in any job is to know that if things are not working out you can simply say “Fork This Noise” and walk away. (Ooopps 8 AM philosophy..sorry)
Well, I teach, so the answer to the title question is, I don't. :D I try to scrape by picking up what I can afford when I can afford it. (rarely) THankfully, my family is supportive of my [-]addiction[/-] hobby and get me things for birthday/xmas.

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