How can I expect Wilma to affect my Vacation?

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My advice is that if you don't already have the travlers check don't get them. Use an ATM card at the bank in San Miguel and get pesos. MUCH EASIER that travelers checks.

There are even some machines that you can get US Dollars... as long as you don't have a cirrus card (why i don't know). As was stated earlier, Dollars & Pesos and any combination of both work fine.

If you insist on bringing TCs, keep in mind that you have plenty of options to get more money out. Trust me, you'll need to! I always underestimate how much cash I need. You'll be reasonably close to the Chedraui which will have ATMs there.

Have a good trip... we're all hoping Wilma give Coz a pass!
What's the ATM fee (I doubt that there are any Bank of America ATMS)? How much can you draw out in one shot (1000 pesos at a time (~$100US), more/less)?

I'm heading to Coz next week and also am a BofA customer. Obviously, Coz does not have any BofA ATMs but they are linked with a Mexican bank - Santander Serfin. You can use Santander's ATMs without incurring any fees. BofA and Santander Serfin are part of the Global ATM Alliance - check out the BofA website below (right side of the page)...

I looked into Santander Serfin's website to find the local branch on Coz. It's at the intersection of Calle 3 Sur and Avenida 10a. check out this link (it's in spanish though but it has a map)...

If someone could verify that the ATM is still there and maybe what times it is accessible. Is it accessible 24 hours a day? This will be my first time in Coz and I'm just finding this stuff out.

As for the limits you could retrieve, it'll probably be the same as here - $300 (or it's equivalent in pesos).

Also, for most international ATMs, the PIN code is limited to 4 digits - so you may want to make sure your PIN is only 4 digits. Also, you have to notify BofA that you'll be using your ATM (as well as any credit cards you plan to use) in MX or else they will think it's stolen and block your account. Just call customer service.

Hope this helps.

I'm praying Wilma goes way East and away from Coz. I'll be there next Wednesday.
I looked into Santander Serfin's website to find the local branch on Coz. It's at the intersection of Calle 3 Sur and Avenida 10a. check out this link (it's in spanish though but it has a map)...

If someone could verify that the ATM is still there and maybe what times it is accessible. Is it accessible 24 hours a day? This will be my first time in Coz and I'm just finding this stuff out.

OOPS!!! I just looked at the Santander website more carefully and it seems that the location on Coz may only be a bank and not an ATM - I'm not sure - sorry - I don't speak/read Spanish too well. I was only assuming the location had an ATM. I don't know the difference between "Sucursales" and "Cajeros" but I'm guessing "Cajeros" means ATM? Maybe someone with Spanish skills can help.
No, I haven't actually purchased the TC's yet, at my bank I get them free if I want them....

What's the ATM fee (I doubt that there are any Bank of America ATMS)? How much can you draw out in one shot (1000 pesos at a time (~$100US), more/less)?

I concur with above posters...ATM's are the best way to go here.

ATM fees here are 50 cents to a dollar (5 pesos to 10 pesos) plus whatever YOUR bank charges for out of network withdrawals.

Most machines will only allow you to withdraw $3000 pesos at a time, but there are some that will let you get $5000 pesos at a time. This also depends on what YOUR bank allows as daily withdrawals. You can also stick your card in two or three times and get more, you'll just pay the transaction fees each time.

I also recommend that you let your bank know you are travelng to Cozumel before hand, becaause I have had customers unable to use their ATM's because their bank put a block when it was a foreign withdrawal. Again, depends on your bank.

You will get the best exchange rate this way though because it is your bank converting the money and they will use the best rate of the day.

Current excahnge rate given by banks/change houses here is 10.7 pesos to the dollar.
If someone could verify that the ATM is still there and maybe what times it is accessible. Is it accessible 24 hours a day? This will be my first time in Coz and I'm just finding this stuff out.

As for the limits you could retrieve, it'll probably be the same as here - $300 (or it's equivalent in pesos).


Yes, it is still there...I use that one ALL the time because it is convenient and allows $5000 peso withdrawals. Corner of Calle 3 and Av. 10

Surcursal = Branch
Cajero = ATM
Yes, it is still there...I use that one ALL the time because it is convenient and allows $5000 peso withdrawals. Corner of Calle 3 and Av. 10

Surcursal = Branch
Cajero = ATM

Cool! Thanks Christi! I guessed right. Cajero = ATM. I'll be using that ATM too.

Is the ATM accessbile 24 hrs/day (ie: outside)? or is it inside the branch and only accessible when the branch is open?
Cool! Thanks Christi! I guessed right. Cajero = ATM. I'll be using that ATM too.

Is the ATM accessbile 24 hrs/day (ie: outside)? or is it inside the branch and only accessible when the branch is open?

24/7, and pretty secure.

You have to use your ATM card to open the door after dark.
take and use the good 'ol american greenback, no one has refused any of those.

I usually take a bunch of 1's & 5's for tips & cabs & drinks some 10's & very few 20's for inexpensive meals & such, then use credit or debit cards for dinners souvenirs. I will take large bills to pay Martin cash for my diving, but spending money I keep to small bills.

if I need extra cash I get it out of the ATM's, but trying to cash a N$200 peso bill can be a hassle. If you hand someone a 20 down there and aren't spending at least 15 of it you'll get this look like you might as well have handed them a $1000 bill. keep the bills small and as close to the amount paying as possible.

My wife and I are going to Scuba Club Cozumel from Oct. 22nd (this sat.) thill Oct 29th (next sat.). We've never been to Cozumel (heck, we've never been outside the US before), and I was wondering how Huricane Wilma might affect diving conditions. I'm assuming that we'll probly see some rain, maybe even a little wind, but never being on the ocean before, I'm not sure what to expect.

What a diff a day makes! Yesterday, Wilma was a wimpy little Cat 1 storm, and today it's a Cat 5 monster with the lowest internal pressure ever recorded in an Atlantic hurricane and winds approaching 200 mph.

The good news for Cozumel is that the center of the storm is predicted ( to pass to the east instead of making a direct hit (as was predicted a couple of days ago), or passing to the west of the island, which could be even worse. It has also picked up some forward speed, which will somewhat lessen the duration of its effects.

It looks like Florida will get this one. I don't wish it on anyone, of course, but my mom in Lake Charles LA and my sis in Slidell LA have had enough for now.

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