1. The line on Dive Rite reels is indeed attached to the spool at the end.
2. That it is hard to start a reel where you have let out all the line.
3. That the jump from Olsen to the Well is longer than a Dive Rite jump reel.
I wonder, if you attach two spools together, is that considered two jumps?
Whenever I jump to the well I carry a 200ft reel
Did you mean "reels" in that last sentence? If not, can you expand on that?
Also, while I certainly understand not *planning* to use two spools... If you're at the end of your spool and you're 25' short, what do you do? I see three options: 1) Tie two spools together. 2) Rewind the spool and re-run a longer spool/reel if you've got it. 3) If you don't, don't take the jump. I personally have never had this happen -- but that's because as a new cave diver I've standardized on 100'+ spools and 250'+ reels, and if I think it's greater than 50' I'm probably pulling out the reel...And I *have* had my much more experienced buddies come up short (three times I think) and in every case they've taken choice 1. What would you do?
I've standardized on the 130' spools because they're what I had.. Having said that, I haven't seen that using the longer spools has that much of a disadvantage: they're not that much larger than even a 70' spool. Maybe when I get to the point of needing a half-dozen or more, but for now they work well for me.
You could put two spools together but I presonally don't. I've had 2 instances in mexico where I was about 20ft short on jumps. Rather than people I don't know assuming I'm a stroke for putting two spools together, I just came back another day with a reel. Once in mexico I was also about 10 feet shy, so I went back and adjusted my tie offs and it gave me just enough line to complete the jump