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Evening Petunia.

How's the number quest coming? :rofl3:

Any good jokes tonight? :D

I'm going to try and get some sleep, but if it doesn't work I'll come back and check on you later!
Hey CD!

Thanx for the list of "not the sharpest tools in the shed" this morning.

It turned into quite a discussion at work.
Killed what was supposed to be my 'boring' part of the day.
Evening Petunia.

How's the number quest coming? :rofl3:

Any good jokes tonight? :D

I'm going to try and get some sleep, but if it doesn't work I'll come back and check on you later!

well I know where you are now.... but had to go out this morning and do some stuff.. I haven't given up yet... :rofl3:

Hey CD!

Thanx for the list of "not the sharpest tools in the shed" this morning.

It turned into quite a discussion at work.
Killed what was supposed to be my 'boring' part of the day.

yep a good list.... good laughs last night...

I like the pics Tigg..... interesting behavior...

I hate to do it but I really better get the floors done now.... I will check in periodically...

Haha what a cute fish Tiggrr! Thanks for posting your pics. I love being followed by fish. There is a big groper in Sydney that I miss :( He followed me around for nearly a whole dive, was so cute :)
Haha what a cute fish Tiggrr! Thanks for posting your pics. I love being followed by fish. There is a big groper in Sydney that I miss :( He followed me around for nearly a whole dive, was so cute :)

You mean the one we call Sas?:rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:

Well if Tiggrr comes for a visit I will introduce her to Sas the Grouper for sure... cause we can't find a bowl big enough to ship it to Saspotato...
You mean the one we call Sas?:rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:

Well if Tiggrr comes for a visit I will introduce her to Sas the Grouper for sure... cause we can't find a bowl big enough to ship it to Saspotato...

Yes Sas :)

There were gropers in Fish Rock but none as cool as Sas. Why do they not live in Melbourne?? Too cold I guess..
Her doctor orders her to get more sleep and I try to enforce.:wink:

Hockey, honey, I'm trying, really I am but it's hard to get off of SB when there are so many people to post with and to play with. Thank you for your concern. Love you to pieces. :kiss2::kiss2:

11:05??? 11:05?????

Dammit, was hoping you didn't notice. :shakehead:
Hey CD!

Thanx for the list of "not the sharpest tools in the shed" this morning.

It turned into quite a discussion at work.
Killed what was supposed to be my 'boring' part of the day.

LOL! Glad I could help!

well I know where you are now.... but had to go out this morning and do some stuff.. I haven't given up yet... :rofl3:
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