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Sas the grouper up close


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Saspotato and friend from Invade the Rock


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Get to bed, Petunia. You're diving tomorrow. Pics look great!
hmmmmm :onpatrol: no one here but that blonde talking to herself again :onpatrol:

hmm who left their:t-shirt:? get a rowdy crowd here sometimes..

well... I'll leave some :java::java: and :fruitcake: a few :flowers:

So you like being groped while you dive? :eyebrow:

Sure. Why not?

You groped yourself!?!?!?

Someone needs to step up and help her out. Shouldnt have to be groping herself!

Here is me and the culprit - Sas the Blue Groper - and yes they are called gropers (or I have also seen 'groupers' but that refers to different species all together actually), not sure why but they do aggressively seek attention :)
Some more blue gropers:

Closing in for a grope at Fish Rock

Close up of Sas

One with a white stripe :)

They are a cute fish! Very inquisitive!
Saspotato and friend from Invade the Rock

Note to self: probably best to avoid sticking my head right next to a wobbegong's mouth :rofl3:
Sure. Why not?

Here is me and the culprit - Sas the Blue Groper - and yes they are called gropers (or I have also seen 'groupers' but that refers to different species all together actually), not sure why but they do aggressively seek attention :)

Close up of Sas

With lips like that I bet they could get called something else too! :shocked2:
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