Hi from Vancouver, BC, Canada !!

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My Hunter Pro-CBX 450 DRY SUIT IS HERE!!!!
Gunna try to sqeeze in a dive or two this coming Saturday.
I bartend mostly at night time so getting up early wont be fun.
But, how could I NOT dive with my ***new*** drysuit?
HaleyHansen woolies :) MmMMmMm
Those of you who said hey lets dive in this thread..expect some pm's soon :)

Dive safe.

Let us know how the drysuit is. I've been looking around for one and have tried the Mobby's and DUI trilams. Let's try to get together and dive when I'm up there in May. Drop me a msg.:mean:

Whats the price for Mobbys(not familiar with that ) and the DUI? I know you are in usa $$$ and that fine..
I paid $1800 Canadian which is about umm 1200 american.
And yea I will give feed back on suit :)
Up here in May huh? May is gunna be a crazy month :)
...from Wisconsin! I'll be visiting Vancouver next year on business and am already planning for some drysuit diving...can't wait!

Wow, planning way ahead, you must be excited. So, according to Jacques Cousteau- BC has the 3rd best diving in the world. Hope your planning to spend a few days here!!
MmMm by then i will have around 150-200 dives :) I just know for the next while me and my spiffy new drysuit are gunna be the "joke of the week"..heh..

To everyone who has posted here, about how many dives to you you all have? I am just coming up to the 50 mark.

1 more day til I dive with my drysuit ..WOOHOO!!!!! *dances*
Hey Jimisurf,

YEA, we had the game on at the bar, good times, good vibe.
Just got home from work, MmMmmm diving in 8 hours, hope I can get a few hours sleep.. :)

The Canucks are far from out of it yet, GOOO CANUCKS!!!

Ps, did I mention I am diving in my new drysuit?? :D
Describe your "charriot" and dive location and we'll see if we can spot you during our SI.

Have fun with the new suit...start really shallow until you get the whole arm dump thing down...with local vis above the 60 foot contour right now it will be VERY easy to lose buddy contact while you are figuring everything out.

Good luck, dive safe.

Freeman, the Moby's Armour shell was about$1400US at the LDS. The only thing I didn't like about it was the boots. The point where the boot was attached to the suit gave rubbed that back of my ankle and gave me a blister. Other than that, sel-donning, comfy and great exhaust.

There's more to choose from in DUI. The one I am looking at is the TLS350, trilam with a cool boot system. This one is around $1700US. The next one up is the TLS450? and it is covered with Cordura for more durability. Around $1900US. I am trying the TLS350 next week. I'll let you know how it went.

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