Hi from Vancouver, BC, Canada !!

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Is available in Vancouver at several shops. International Dive Center is where I bought mine. I have also seen them at Great Pacific. Mobby's is distributed through Oceaner in Canada. Any Oceaner dealer should be able to help you out.


Oh boy, I just cant convey in words how AMAZING my 1st ever drysuit dive was. We dove the Nakaya at Porteau Covefrom stern to bow, saw HUGE lingcod and the most nudibranchs I have EVER seen at that site, atleast 12 were easily spotted, all of em..gorgeous.
The suit felt like a 2nd skin as if I have worn it all my life. My descent was perfect, no freakouts, no accidents-just totally calm and in control. I found this dive to be much easier than I had anticipated. The boots fit so snug I wasn't the least bit worried about air trapped in my feet at all. I realise i am COMPLETELY new to the drysuit world but I am SUPER happy with my choices. This Hunter Pro CBX 450 is just the sh%^ !!I kept horizontal and relaxed the entire dive. I took a chance and didnt even use ankleweights and it turns out I dont need em, I tell ya the dive was just a breeze. The air dump on ascent was a snap, felt very comfy with no problems at all. Nice slow and easy...
This was also the first time I have hit the 32metre mark. Glad to say I didnt narc out, instead, I was totally aware of what I was doing, how I was doing it and what I was supposed to be doing. I owe alot to my dive instructor, the guy is gifted and covers the bases well. Oh yea, as for cold, not in the least !!! The water temp was a chilly avg 46F. Got a kick out of seeing the toilet down there!! Apparently it used to sit right on the bow but now its on the seafloor.

bwerb, Sorry i missed the chance to fill ya in on what we were doing today(Saturday). How did your dive go? Wasn't the vis up to 60ft just the pits? We are talkin faceplate only, more or less.
Oh as for my "charriot"- I drive a medium blue 1976 MGB but I ended up catching a ride with my instructor.

Umm I need a dive buddy for Monday anyone up for a dive?? All you Vancouver peoples- I hope you are reading this!!!! If I dont get any responses from this then I will start PM'ing those that offered earlier in this thread.
Sorry for the long and rambling message, I am just way too excited about diving right now.

All the best,
Less than $30.00 bucks I now have 100% dry hands to go along with my nifty new drysuit!!! Why bother buying the store version for $90+ when you can do it yourself for super cheap? I was hoping to test this new system out today but looks like I will have to wait a few days.MmmMMmmm DRY HANDS!!! *Muahahaha!*

I have thoughts entering my head..odd thoughts ..evil thoughts..
I wanna call in sick to work and go diving....or, just not show up at all..gotta dive, need to dive..gotta be in the water soon...
Dry and your own is the only way to go in this area. I have rented dry suits for a long time (always a mysterious operation). I just piked up a Bare Trilam Lite. Gonna get it wet this weekend in Barclay Sound. We should have some sort of Dive Board for the BC divers. It is so much better to dive with a group than just your bud. Hmmm. I wonder how many locals are on this board???

It just keeps getting better and better. Looks like Lady6gill and Radagalf are crazy enuf to let me dive with them on Monday :loopy:

I get to test out my nifty new home made dryglove system too!!
I picked up some polypro socks/gloves, I am all about goin for a nice comfy drydive :). I am finding it a little hard however to find Thinsulate at this time of year, anyone who does still carry it have gloves that are way too bulky..Oh well the hunt continues. I have heard that welding supply stores are a good place to check into.

Jimisurf- How did you excursion with the new suit go? Good dives and good times? Let us know :)
Hey Freeman,

My next suit to rent (test) will be the Hunter Pro you got. On Sat, my wife and I dove the DUITLS350. It was Ok. The Rockboot system is interesting (neoprene sock with a separate "shoe") The sock was a little big so there was a small amount of bunching and discomfort. Unfortunately, my wife had a suit that leaked so we had to abort. We are heading back this weekend for more. Have you tried your DIY drygloves yet? We are still planning on coming up in May. Dates are 22-27th. As for the Thinsulate you are looking for (underwear?) MEC should have thinner stuff shouldn't they? Happy diving.
For 18 bucks I installed a "removable" drycuff system on brand new Hunter Pro -CBX 450 for another 15 bucks I have 3 glove layers to go with it. Lady6gill and I did 2 really nice dives at new site(for me) out by Whytecliff Park called "Lookout Point" while Radagalf had to split after 1 dive to study for final exams. This was a warm summer day here in Van, BC frikken AMAZING. THis dryglove system I have been talking about is a little SLICE OF HEAVEN!!!! I have all the mobility and tactile sensations with warmth and comfort. I mean- I was "aware" of the chillyness but I was not actually cold during either dive( max depth 75-ish). I hope to refine this by actually finding thinsulate gloves and a better exterior glove for a total of about 15-25 bucks. The idea is the exterior glove has to stretch over your hard cuff, then the rubber sealing ring goes over top keeping the glove in place. THis worked like an absolute CHARM!!! Methinkks Radagalf and Lady6gill were a tad suprised, shall we say.

Any of of you local yokels wanna go diving Mon-Tues May-5/6th?

Hey ddub23,
I wish you much much much success with the Hunter Pro. I can't tell ya how pleased I am with my suit. As for the boots- I bought a size Large suit but with the smaller size foot. I have no need for ankle weights, my fit and buoyancy in the suit is really super.
For the latex covered neoprene lined boots -comfy as hell. Especially with a poly pro socks and nice wool acrylic sock over top
Nice snug fit, indeed..
What are DIY gloves? I am sure this is something alot of people are aware of but I have zero clue.
In regards to the Thinsulate, I am wearing Haley Hansen woolies with a thin layer of clothing underneath. But thats not the problem. I am just looking for a thin Thinsulate glove to wear over my poly pro gloves. At this time of years it turning out to be a bit of a challenge. I checked MEC-its all a bit bulky or rather expensive. One of my club buddies bought 40 gram weight Thinsulate and is really happy with them for 6 bucks

This TOTALLY dry drysuit guy has rambled enough

;) :D

PS THanks to Lady6gill and Radagalf you 2 were great fun. Nice to meet people through the board here and have it all turn out well.

I am having too much fun, :D
... and a warm welcome from the other side of the country, but I lived in Vancouver for close to 5 years, does that count?
Hiya DivingGal,
Looks like we traded places. I used to live in Ontario for 5 years, then I went on tour with a rockn'roll band in the states for a while. Ended up in Vancouver as of 3 years agoand really love it here. So, were you diving here in Vancouver? I would love it if you listed some of the places you dove that are close to Vancouver be it shore dive or boat dive. I am always keen on finding out about a few new spots.
Hey Freeman!

The suit worked out great and the diving was excellent. I posted a report in the North America Travel section. I want to dive all of the time. If all you Vancouverites are heading out, let me know...


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