Anyone can apply for renewal of a permit. I wonder if DOT PHMSA would approve the permit for individual serial numbers of the dozen tanks I own.
I would like to know if anyone knows what is done to renew a permit other than extending the expiration date to another later expiration date?
Would there need be investigating any incidents that relate to the tanks that fall under the old E or slightly newer term SP?
Would there need be some kind of changes in how the testing is done.
PST now E3 is not making scuba tanks I know, but other tanks.
Other manufacturers that make scuba tanks I notice are selling them with SP on them.
Do all scuba tanks made have SP and its just a way of letting you know that there is an expiration.
I found the DOT hazardous material website PDF file and saw where it mentions the all kinds of specifications and testing, but it looks to me that this is for when the tanks were still being manufactured. I see where it mentions destructive testing. So you know it does not mean a hyro test we pay for and maybe it passes or maybe it fails. No they tell of purposely making some tanks fail what ever it takes and get the data. Maybe I'm wrong, but it is what I tried to figure what was in the PDF file download.
In any case I find it strange if it is just a clerical thing that needs to be done and is taking longer than usual because of the company no longer making these tanks, that is Pressed Steel Cylinders now G3.
The Faber Tanks that have SP on them are still being manufactured. Does this mean that they have some one handling renewing DOT requirement for the permit early by a few months, I mean before what otherwise I have seen is every 4 years. Not to confuse hdro test required to be done to allow refills, which is every 5 years in USA.