Henry Morgan + Fantasy Dive Travel = FAIL?

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We're not exactly giving praise to H Morgan - this is a very public site - I can't believe that a business that caters solely to divers, has such disregard to these posts.
Unless I'm missing something from the puzzle...?

From experience, small claims court works, but you have to go to the city where the Incorporation you are fighting is located. Getting reimbursed on the credit card, I don't think so, since Click n Dive are no longer in business, and they did not do any fraud. Worth a try.

The OP needs to give us some feedback !!!

I don't understand what you mean?

Have you ever done that? I have. It's a step in a possible process, often a fruitless one.

His credit card will cover him ok. He wanted it resolved without having to pay for a second time then seek reimbursement for the first, but he'll be ok. I bet the bank can waive the interest on some of the loan, too.
We're not exactly giving praise to H Morgan - this is a very public site - I can't believe that a business that caters solely to divers, has such disregard to these posts.
Unless I'm missing something from the puzzle...?

From experience, small claims court works, but you have to go to the city where the Incorporation you are fighting is located. Getting reimbursed on the credit card, I don't think so, since Click n Dive are no longer in business, and they did not do any fraud. Worth a try.
Looking back at post #1, it looks like H Morgan is try to assist, but it was Clickndive that screwed him.

I do think the bank will reimburse him after the loss is established.
There is no click n dive anymore.
You'd have to sue them, and there's probably no blood in that turnip. You can win a hollow victory at best, no money after spending more.
Trip insurance is a very good choice.
It may add as much as 10% to the cost of the trip for good coverage, but when you need it - it helps. See this thread: http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/ge...e-stranded-costa-rica-after-atv-accident.html
My heart goes out to you, my friend. I hope you get it resolved. ClicknDive has closed their doors with absolutely no warning. That being said, if they paid Rich, it's not their fault. The credit card route sounds the most sane.
.... I paid in full in October, and got a voucher for (from?) HM resorts and confirmation invoice from clickndive.com.......Andrea (at the US HMR Office?) stated, "There was an agent, Rich, who ran off with several customer's money."

In my further investigations, I can only assume that "Rich" is Rich Henry with Fantasy Dive Travel, because Fantasy Dive Travel is (or was) the official agency for HM Resorts.

If the words in bold above are accurate, and if the parenthetical questions (?) are answered with a "yes", this is a simple "agency" situation.

An Agent gave you a voucher. Doesn't get much simpler... if that's what happened.

behold... Contracts 1 (for free): Law of agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Voucher? In the travel world, "vouchers" are negotiable instruments, treat them like a certified check, no different than a paper airplane ticket that Travel Agencies (oooh, there's that word again) used to issue back in the day when flight attendants were always fun to look at.

All bets are off if he offered to fix your clock (Western Union v. Hill) . If so, send a Telegram to Lubbock- Don just fell off his new truck with a load of turnips on his way back to Fantasy Island. No blood drive for the Maldives yet?

They grow huge turnips in Honduras.
Too many layers for these types of bookings. How many intermediaries are required to book a resort? This was a huge red flag for me when checking out some liveaboards in Asia. Is there firm reason to believe that CnD was legit instead of part of Rich's apparent fraud? I don't know anything about either of these parties beyond this thread and I'm not trying to accuse or flame either but it seems like one agent before the actual resort opperator would be enough for me. I guess there's a underbelly of travel now that tries to bulk together discounted sales and create discounts, but I avoid that nonsense and try to book direct.

Edit, upon reading the other thread, the story seems even more convoluted to me. HM themselves is some kind of agent for resorts as well, so there 3 layers before the resort receives the booking CnD, Rich at HM domestic, and more at HM foreign? This is a lesson for us all.
Ok, I think is about time that we take some time and finally explain to you all who RICH HENRY really is.
We represent and co-own Aqua Adventures, the Diving Center for Media Luna Resort. We, together with TGI Diving, Henry Morgan Resorts and few hundreds more people... have been ripped off from Rich Henry.
He started to work with us or ..I should say .. he started to use us, right after the big Fantasy Island's blow off (April 2011).
He was doing great! Lot's of bookings,lots of divers..everything was going just fine beside the fact that it was always a pain to be paid from him or his "administration office" ... he was always coming up with excuses regarding the new system still developing...
We were just too naive and busy at the same time to worry about it. We kept working hard, offering the service to all the divers that were showing up at the Resort.
Rich Henry created Untitled Document
Rich Henry created an app for iphone and ipad
By November everything was gone. No more web site, no more e-mails,tel numbers, skype contacts.
He showed up at Dema representing the Bay Islands of Honduras! Our Diving Center and HM Resorts.
He took cheques, cash,credit card deposit from a lot of people. They all believed that their reservation was in but, they ended up being ripped off as well.
Aqua Adventures and TGI Divers had few very large groups right before he disappeared. Neither us or the Resorts ever sow a dime. We personally invested in boats, compressors, tanks,employes ... just to name few.
Rich Henry was well known in the dive industry. Somebody told me that he have done that before but he always made it appear like it was the Resort owner's fault. That is actually what he did with Fantasy Island, before us. Fantasy Island was just smarter then us because they refused to accept people without a payment up front. HM Resorts didn't want to leave 150 guests "on the streets of Roatan" and acted like everything was fine, putting all his trust into Rich Henry's goodwill. But...we were wrong! Soo wrong!

The only good thing about all this is that we made some very good friends among 'Rich Henry's divers". I'm sure that this will take us a lot farther of few 1000's $$ stoled and..I'm sure that with the help of all of you, we can get the guy to pay for what he did..sooner or later.

Please, make this public as much as you can because the guy is still out there ready to act again..
How interesting. I think he can be easily prosecuted in the US if DEMA can be proven...
Ok, I think is about time that we take some time and finally explain to you all who RICH HENRY really is.
We represent and co-own Aqua Adventures, the Diving Center for Media Luna Resort. We, together with TGI Diving, Henry Morgan Resorts and few hundreds more people... have been ripped off from Rich Henry.
He started to work with us or ..I should say .. he started to use us, right after the big Fantasy Island's blow off (April 2011).
He was doing great! Lot's of bookings,lots of divers..everything was going just fine beside the fact that it was always a pain to be paid from him or his "administration office" ... he was always coming up with excuses regarding the new system still developing...
We were just too naive and busy at the same time to worry about it. We kept working hard, offering the service to all the divers that were showing up at the Resort.
Rich Henry created Untitled Document
Rich Henry created an app for iphone and ipad
By November everything was gone. No more web site, no more e-mails,tel numbers, skype contacts.
He showed up at Dema representing the Bay Islands of Honduras! Our Diving Center and HM Resorts.
He took cheques, cash,credit card deposit from a lot of people. They all believed that their reservation was in but, they ended up being ripped off as well.
Aqua Adventures and TGI Divers had few very large groups right before he disappeared. Neither us or the Resorts ever sow a dime. We personally invested in boats, compressors, tanks,employes ... just to name few.
Rich Henry was well known in the dive industry. Somebody told me that he have done that before but he always made it appear like it was the Resort owner's fault. That is actually what he did with Fantasy Island, before us. Fantasy Island was just smarter then us because they refused to accept people without a payment up front. HM Resorts didn't want to leave 150 guests "on the streets of Roatan" and acted like everything was fine, putting all his trust into Rich Henry's goodwill. But...we were wrong! Soo wrong!

The only good thing about all this is that we made some very good friends among 'Rich Henry's divers". I'm sure that this will take us a lot farther of few 1000's $$ stoled and..I'm sure that with the help of all of you, we can get the guy to pay for what he did..sooner or later.

Please, make this public as much as you can because the guy is still out there ready to act again..
Welcome to SB, AA. Would you like to post that in this forum: http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/whine-cheeze/

Or maybe start a new thread in this Bay Islands forum?
Ok, I think is about time that we take some time and finally explain to you all who RICH HENRY really is.
We represent and co-own Aqua Adventures, the Diving Center for Media Luna Resort. We, together with TGI Diving, Henry Morgan Resorts and few hundreds more people... have been ripped off from Rich Henry.
He started to work with us or ..I should say .. he started to use us, right after the big Fantasy Island's blow off (April 2011).
He was doing great! Lot's of bookings,lots of divers..everything was going just fine beside the fact that it was always a pain to be paid from him or his "administration office" ... he was always coming up with excuses regarding the new system still developing...
We were just too naive and busy at the same time to worry about it. We kept working hard, offering the service to all the divers that were showing up at the Resort.
Rich Henry created Untitled Document
Rich Henry created an app for iphone and ipad
By November everything was gone. No more web site, no more e-mails,tel numbers, skype contacts.
He showed up at Dema representing the Bay Islands of Honduras! Our Diving Center and HM Resorts.
He took cheques, cash,credit card deposit from a lot of people. They all believed that their reservation was in but, they ended up being ripped off as well.
Aqua Adventures and TGI Divers had few very large groups right before he disappeared. Neither us or the Resorts ever sow a dime. We personally invested in boats, compressors, tanks,employes ... just to name few.
Rich Henry was well known in the dive industry. Somebody told me that he have done that before but he always made it appear like it was the Resort owner's fault. That is actually what he did with Fantasy Island, before us. Fantasy Island was just smarter then us because they refused to accept people without a payment up front. HM Resorts didn't want to leave 150 guests "on the streets of Roatan" and acted like everything was fine, putting all his trust into Rich Henry's goodwill. But...we were wrong! Soo wrong!

The only good thing about all this is that we made some very good friends among 'Rich Henry's divers". I'm sure that this will take us a lot farther of few 1000's $$ stoled and..I'm sure that with the help of all of you, we can get the guy to pay for what he did..sooner or later.

Please, make this public as much as you can because the guy is still out there ready to act again..

Are you saying that no one at Media Luna was aware of all the people who were complaining about being ripped off by Rich Henry for bookings at Fantasy Island? Didn't he start his relationship with Media Luna by bringing you some of the people he was still in the process of screwing and switched them from Fantasy Island to you?

The Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too." The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

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