so WWD... what's it? what's wrong? COT got your tongue?

Just fingers and thumbs!
I already said that time is limited to dive this area before it is ruined by the location of a coal power station opposite one of the best coral reefs in Asia Pacific.
It is not just the power station, but all the workers, AFP (army) personnel, and small businesses that will spring up in this place that need food, toilet/sewage facilities, the coal landing station (concrete structure into the ocean), and because there are many indiginous peoples opposed to this.
IMO, this is a recipe for disaster.
While Ducomi Pier already had international recognition as a prime macro site (albeit at an early stage compared to sites in the PI's like Anilao or sites in Indonesia such as Lembeh), Tinoto, Maasim is up there amongst the best dive sites in the World.
Average mortals vs big business with 100's millions (billions) USD have a poor chance of doing very much in all honesty.
Ducomi is just small potatos compared to the Tinoto/Tampuan situation.
Therefore, I question if a small (but significant and exceptional dive tourism) site like Ducomi cannot be protected (I can give other similar examples of other sites) then what chance has a significant area like Tampuan/Tinoto??
John and Chris have undertaken exceptional efforts to protect, preserve and restore this and other areas just because they really care (they do not make money from this).
Regarding our efforts, I refuse to post these here as not to prejudice ourselves for some who might use this information adversely.
Needless to say, we care a great deal for the environment and the PI's.