I sure hope Christie, her business and friends are all OK. I also hope help gets to them soon! It's frustrating being here and not being able to help them.
Hi Randy - Christi is safe, as are the 4 people who were staying with her. Shamu is repairable, although there may have been motor damage - she has yet to figure out if it was under water (as of when I spoke to her last night around 6pm or so). Don't know about her shop.
Making it financially is going to be enormously difficult - this is her high season. She was fully booked with two boats for the next 4-5 months. That means not only returning deposits, but not having *any* income. There's no insurance that covers that. She's a small business owner and this could potentially be financially devastating.
If anyone has diving planned with her and *can* afford to let her keep their deposit, it would be a tremendous act of kindness and generosity. I understand that many people are not in that position, but some are. For those who are not, there is a place to help the dive community specifically - where 100% of the funds donated WILL go to the dive community. You can donate via Paypal. It is a grassroots effort and as such, is NOT tax deductable, but you can be assured that your money will go directly to people you've dived with in Cozumel. (It was originally set up during Hurricane Emily and a list of people to whom donations were given after that is listed on the site).
The website is
www.cozumelrelief.com . If anyone feels uncomfortable with that option, there is also a link on the site to the Mexican Red Cross. I'm not affiliated with the site or the fund, but know the person who organized it - and Christie was involved with setting it up originally. I'm not sure if she's aware that he reactivated it for this storm. She did not recieve any funds the last time, but I'm hoping that she will this time (although I have no knowledge to that effect).
If you e-mail any questions through the website, please be patient for answers...Johnoly, who is running the site, lives in FL and is currently being hit by Wilma himself.. :11doh: