the HP many people around the world are infected by it about 85/100 so almost everybody have it but its active only in 10/100 of the people who have it the rest they are infected and positive when they test but without any symptomsHi,
I hope your doc did mention that if you have h.p than everybody in the family got it too and they need check/treatments or you will get reinfected, I had it, my family had it. Although they maybe asymptomatic and some tests maybe unreliable with false positive and without symptoms docs won't prescribe meds. so you need to be smart hot to obtain meds for the family.
hp free for life!
my latest test is negative i went for diving yesterday and i felt so much better i didnt throw up and gas didnt get trapped in my stomach by flowing the advices from everybody in this thread.
about the medications you can buy it everywhere its just two antibiotics and one antacid for the first line of treatment