having a knife with you all the time?

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We traveling as backpackers - me and my gf..
we love nature .. and often camp ..

I always try to have a knife in my backpack for various things .. from cutting fruits .. to protection..

I was thinking of having a knife on me all the time ..

what do you think?

what advice could you give?

thank you .. 14388488006991.jpg14388488291152.jpg
I wear a leatherman all day.
I just have to remind myself to leave it at home when going to the stadium or airport where these items are forbidden.
always have, an likely would continue, except I now frequent areas that have in place rules (and detection methods) that prohibit. I feel somewhat "naked" as it has been a part of me for so long.... It is just a tool, with a multitude of important uses. As to the "protection", lets be real.... unless you are trained in specific skills/methods, its honestly of little value.

As a side bar, for self defense, I always said i wanted to carry the biggest Swiss Army contraption they made. The one with the most stuff in it. Idea is, open everything, and throw it...:D
For as long as I can remember, I have carried a pocket knife on a daily basis. My current knife of choice is a Kershaw 1830. It is inexpensive ($20), clips to my pocket for easy access, I can open it with one hand, it holds a good edge. What's not to like?
I always carry a pocket knife. Nothing of an unreasonable size, relatively small daily (3" blade) to tiny (1.75" blade) when I'm wearing a suit. They all have blades that lock in place. I once had a knife blade close on my finger and I didn't like it. All are razor sharp.

When outdoors I always have a fixed blade knife. Nothing huge but tough and sharp. For protection in the woods I would opt for a sturdy branch of solid wood. My walking stick, in fact, could do some serious damage. lol
Always have a knife of some sort...

I always have a pocket knife of some sort. I used to wear a belt knife everywhere, too - into airports, onto planes boarding in Texas (had to pack it returning), into bars, etc. Times changed, so the belt knives only go out on the farm or hikes. I have a nice collection of both.
Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

Bring a knife to a gun fight, but also bring at least one gun.

I am pro knife, though you should never mention protection in the same breath as the knife...makes people with badges grouchy, even if the knife is otherwise legal in size and features. I like my knives discrete in size and design, and made by a drunk hog in Ohio.

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