Halcyon files for "DIR" Registered Trademark

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Stephen Ash once bubbled...
How does this affect me?


I want more variety and more competition in my DIR gear choices...not less.
There will be absolutely no change in competition or variety. The ONLY change is that OMS, Dive-Rite and Oxycheq, to name a few, will not be able to call their gear "DIR."

This is all about a freak'n SLOAGN for gosh sakes! Are you all THAT insecure about your diving ability you're going to get upset over a slogan? Oh, I guess you already did.

That should be as much concern to you as "Dive Rite" implying that you're diving wrong if you don't use their gear -- in other words not one iota.

jonnythan once bubbled...

No. DIR-F is now a certification course.. to "complete" it you need a real, honest to goodness DIR configuration.

It will be interesting to see, should this registration thing go thru, what the DIR-F course will be called in the future, or if it will in fact require that students use only true DIR brand gear. There would be an obvious inconsistency in allowing students to pass a "DIR" course in non-DIR gear.

But I'm sure the good folks at Halcyon have already thought through some of these potential inconsistencies. On the surface it would seem to be really playing into the hands of their detractors to go ahead with this plan. To restrict the use of the DIR handle will in all likelihood significantly reduce the numbers of those who can legitimately call themselves DIR and in fact may well result in a backlash from heretofore sympathetic folks declaring themselves to now be absolutely NOT DIR. The problem for the DIR moniker then is that many of them will be folks known to be knowledgeable and smart divers. The net result could be a serious diminution of the general respect for the principles previously associated with the DIR name.

It is like a concession to those who have decried DIR for years as being only about the gear and perhaps a slap in the face to those who have defended DIR as being about the diving, not the gear. Well, one thing for sure, we'll have lots of new fuel for the fire for a while. 8)

sharpenu once bubbled...
If you want to argue that it is safer, fine. If you want to argue it is more efficient, fine. But the arguement that a diving system is better because "others" feel it is, I dont buy it. I would rather think for myself, thank you.

Then, let's see some of that thinking.

If someone is prepared to argue that DIR is a superior system, and you disagree, your response is either logical, or emotional.

Whip some logic on us.
Stephen Ash once bubbled...

I want more variety and more competition in my DIR gear choices...not less.

I can't get over this. Halcyon equipment is no more DIR than Dive Rite's or OMS's or Oxycheq's -- it's just a phrase. Their trademarking the phrase has nothing to do with the variety of gear available to you. Several posters here who have taken the course have said they passed with other brands of equipment. Their standards do not specify any brand, and they don't specify "DIR", they specify types of acceptable equipment. This will have nothing to do with the variety of equipment available to you folks. . .nothing at all.

Trying to figure out what JJ's motivation is in setting up GUE is pretty presumptious. Might it not have something to do with being involved in projects where very experienced divers died due to avoidable mistakes?? I would think having to recover the bodies of a couple of friends out of a cave might motivate one to start something like GUE as a non-profit.

Frequently folks deeply and passionately involved in lots of activities (stock car racing, photography, snowboarding) create a business supplying products for that sport. Frequently, too, they often start or become involved with non-profit organizations fostering interest and furthering knowledge and technique in their sport. It's only natural. Clearly all you folks having your panties in a wad over this is more due to a visceral dislike of the DIR crowd than anything else. JJ can have many motivations in his life. His motivation in his involvement with GUE can be altruistic, even if it generates business for Halcyon. His motivations in Halcyon to turn a profit don't have to be in conflict with his motivations to turn out good, safe diving gear that will help people dive safer.

I can't figure out if this is more just sheer dislike of DIR or an abysmal ignorance of business. Those ignorant of business are the ones who most often believe it's impossible to be interested in turning a profit and doing good at the same time. In their minds profit motivation is prima facie evidence of being a crook--it's tautologous in their minds.

I'm giving up on this thread. Makes my hair hurt! :rolleyes:
jonnythan once bubbled...

People look for *anything* to attack GUE or Halcyon (or George or JJ or the WKPP or...) with.

As for that DIR vs The World forum, *every* forum on SB is the "attack DIR wherever it's mentioned" forum for a lot of people.

What's good for the goose....

Although I think JJ is a right guy, it was clearly DIR and the WKPP that set the precidence of brutal sophistic attack.
For everyone that's upset that Halcyon is trademarking "DIR", repeat afer me:

"It's just a marketing slogan, it's just a marketing slogan..."

Oh, wait, I forgot who my audience is, let me suggest something else:

"Sicks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me..."

Custer once bubbled...
First, DIR predates Halcyon and GUE.

The project director at Wakulla decides what's DIR.

About the trade mark, those of you familiar with recent progress and events in the scuba industry will remember some specific encroachment on the DIR principle, both by other training agencies, and other gear manufacterers, and it's my opinion that JJ is seeking to protect DIR

How can you say JJ didnt invent DIR, yet it is his to protect?
roakey once bubbled...
For everyone that's upset that Halcyon is trademarking "DIR", repeat afer me:

"It's just a marketing slogan, it's just a marketing slogan..."

Oh, wait, I forgot who my audience is, let me suggest something else:

"Sicks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me..."


Go down to Nascar country, stand in front of a busy roadhouse on Saturday night, and shout at the top of your lungs "3 IS JUST A NUMBER". See how easygoing some folks are about their icons.

chrpai once bubbled...

How can you say JJ didnt invent DIR, yet it is his to protect?

I specifically stated it wasn't his to protect.
GQMedic once bubbled...
I sure am NOW!

I thought DIR was NOT about equipment MFG, I thought it was a diving diciplen. Well, GUE sure tweaked me out. How in the name of Zeus's butthole do you trademark "Doing It Right"?

I was seriously warming up to DIR as of late until just now. I think I'll stick with my split fins, my NON Halcyon equipment, etc and be more than happy to be DIMW (Doing It My Way).

I know I will more than likely get BLASTED for my comments here, so be it. Blast away. Lemme have it, I don't care. This is BS, GUE went TOO FAR this time. I guess I won't be taking that DIR-F class after all. (And I was really going to do it)

That being said "STROKE POWER"!

Dude, haven't you ever seen any Halycon gear? Most of it (like my BP) says "The Doing It Right Company" all over it. So, why are so shocked that they would trade mark it? How could they make it more plain that they are maketing this gear specifially as DIR? They print it on the stuff!

Maybe seaquest should patent "Stroke Approved"

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