Along the lines of Jason's "cookies storage" thread...
My GUE-F instructor had the Halcyon bellows pockets with the extra velro enclosure on the outside flap. I believe he said he used this for 'emergency stuff' -- cookies, arrows, etc (??). Ed, if I totally butchered that I apologize; it was 2 months ago.
I decided to splurge and get the H bellows pockets; the most recent version has the outside flap closed with a zipper rather than velcro. Pics here for those interested (sorry, cell phone camera...). I am curious of the official view towards what might go into these flap pockets?
My GUE-F instructor had the Halcyon bellows pockets with the extra velro enclosure on the outside flap. I believe he said he used this for 'emergency stuff' -- cookies, arrows, etc (??). Ed, if I totally butchered that I apologize; it was 2 months ago.
I decided to splurge and get the H bellows pockets; the most recent version has the outside flap closed with a zipper rather than velcro. Pics here for those interested (sorry, cell phone camera...). I am curious of the official view towards what might go into these flap pockets?