Hi Linda and all--I have been meaning to contribute a couple of thoughts here, at Linda's request.
Thanks for the nice post, Tom, about the City of Houston dives. I enjoyed the heck out of that trip too, and enjoyed having you on the trip
Regarding dates, either is fine with us. We do have the N.C. Aquarium people coming also on the 17th, for an Ocean Conservancy-sponsored dive-site clean-up trip. They want to hit a couple of the artificial reefs, which should work fine with ya'll--the Markham and Hyde or Hyde and Stone or something like that is what they have in mind. Those wrecks would fit nicely with the intention of this group, as i understand it, to dive medium-depth sites that are still good dives. The Hyde is one of our customer favorites. Whether the clean-up/conservation/public service aspect of this dive appeals to you, as it does to me, or not is up to you. It is not required for everyone who dives with us that day to do clean-up, in fact no pressure at all, so i don't see it as a negative for you, but perhaps a positive if that sort of thing appeals.
If you want to do a three tanker, that is cool with us. You might want to go with the 24th in that case, as it is unbooked at this point and easier to let you get creative that date. We are doing a three tanker on the Gill on the 10th, so will have any additional logisitcs under control by the time ya'll come. If the group gets set on the three tanker, and prefers the 17th, i'll call the guy who set up the clean-up dives and see if he's willing to change.
Regarding sites, i've made some comments above about the Hyde. The Markham is also a neat dive. The Stone likewise. The Gill is one of my personal favorites. The Gill is deeper, but still only about 90' However, it is more broken up, so you pretty much have to be at least 75' deep to have a good dive. The Hyde and Markham, by contrast, are newer and are intact, providing about 30' of relief off an 80' bottom, so you can have a decent dive at only 50-60' (But the Gill has the cool history of haivng been sunk by a U-Boat in WW2). Frying Pan Tower is another choice re middle depth--in fact, it's pretty shallow at only 45-50' to the bottom. However, the downsides there are a current that ranges from mild to dangerous (we had to call off one set of dives there after traveling all the way out there because the current was too strong) and the fish life has dropped off as the water has warmed up. It was spectacular in May and June, just average now. (May pick back up by September?)
Trip length and price (for two tank dive): Hyde/Markham is shortest trip of these suggestions, $85. Gill/Hyde or Gill/Markham is about a half hour longer each way, $95. Frying Pan Tower is over twice as long travel time as the Hyde, $115 (yes, it's underpriced). Add about 35-40% to make it a three-tanker, depending on what combination of sites you choose (I'll have to talk price with your leader once you know what you want). Estimated time back at the dock for two tank trip, respectively: 2-2:30; 3-3:30; 5:00-6:00. City of Houston is another choice i'll mention, since you've read Tom and me raving about it. It's a longer trip yet (nearly an hour longer than the Tower), is at about 90', and would be priced at $125 to 135, depending on whether we did both dives there, or one there and one closer in. I'd be reluctant to schedule three tanks there or the Tower--it's just too long a day.
Whew! That's a lot of info, but i like people to make informed choices.
Let me know as soon as you know, so we can lock in. Have a great time in Hawaii, Linda!!