Greater Vancouver Area Dive Club

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You would be more than welcome!


wolf eel:
Are you all still looking to get a group dive going for the 10th if so i would like to jump if I may.
Sorry SeanQ, won't be out that way this weekend. I'll let you know when though!

Hope you find someone to dive with,

If the location is Victoria or Saanich Inlet - I'm in. My new BP/W will have arrived by then and I'll be eager to try it out.
I can't dive on Sundays (most weeks), but if anyone wants to go to copper cove on a saturday (16th?) let me know. I have never been there and would love to go out with someone who has dove the site before. Let me know.


I'm free on that Saturday. Even if the currents are bad, I know another site not so affected really close. With better parking and easier entry.
Great, I'm not too worried about entry, etc. I just don't like going to a new site without someone who has a bit of knowledge of the area. I may end up diving in the wrong spot and see nothing, or miss out on something cool.

I'll PM you and Wrecked.

Um, daytime! :wink: Actually we haven't set a time or a place. Any requests in either department?


If it is a really early morning dive I might be a able to make it. Other wise it is unlikely. But, since early dives are so popular :wink: , it would be best for you to set the place and time and, if possible, I will adapt my schedule.

Anyone interested in Diving on April 10th with Jason and I? Location TBA...

Hey all, Ya Andrea and I aren't set on a place or time yet. We are open for suggestions. Just to let you know this will be my first dive post OW cert. So I would like to keep it some where that is within my abilities.
I guess if there is enough of us there could be more than one Level of dive.

I am returning to Vancouver in July and would love to join the club (did a name ever get picked....I stopped reading at about page 12). I have no experience in cold water diving, so going with a group who knows the area sounds great to me! Also, recommendations on dry suits are always appreciated.....I will be testing them out when I get back, so advice is always appreciated!

Hmmmmmm, define early...

If what you think is early, is earlier than what I think is early, I'll let you know! :)

Lightning Fish:
If it is a really early morning dive I might be a able to make it. Other wise it is unlikely. But, since early dives are so popular :wink: , it would be best for you to set the place and time and, if possible, I will adapt my schedule.

It seems that there are many people interested, I'm gonna say that Whytecliff is likely the best to accomodate more skill levels.

What time do you want to go Jason?

Jason McK:
Hey all, Ya Andrea and I aren't set on a place or time yet. We are open for suggestions. Just to let you know this will be my first dive post OW cert. So I would like to keep it some where that is within my abilities.
I guess if there is enough of us there could be more than one Level of dive.

Narc, Lord of the Deep. I might have to change my nic! I'm taking tech classes the end of May. I'm looking forward to seeing 180'.

My experience with narcosis involves memory blackouts - getting to where I want to be, but not remembering how I get there. Happened twice in one dive. I was getting my wreck/nitrox certification, and the first dive was to the deck of the Cape Breton. It was barely 102'! I remember the decent and getting caught in a wicked current. After getting back to the deck I remember swimming on. Next, I remember stopping with the rest of the divers to look at an octopus (I never did see it - too busy guarding my head from the divers finning over me). I remember swimming on, then stopping when meeting up with my group. I cannot for the life of me remember anything between the decent, the octopus, and the accent, and it was a 25 minute dive. It hasn't happened since. Weird thing is - I knew during the dive I was having memory blackout, I just never attributed it to narcosis until much, much later.

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