Greater Vancouver Area Dive Club

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wolf eel:
I have been told of a new flu bug that lasts for about a day. It seems to infect outdoor people the most. :D
I was just wondering as I am going to be travelling to Van often. Plus we are having a diving event on the weekend next 11th to the 13th and we if anybody is interested from that area have cabins on the beach in front of the Mermaid $50 a night and has room for four and stove and such good clean place.

If the flu hits your way I am heading down Sunday night and plan on being in Van for diving Monday morning.


Hey Derek,

What cabins? Send me a phone number.

I was going to book a room 25 minutes away, but if you have cabins closer for $50 I would like to know more.
Tsk! Tsk! BCSean! :05: Even if I thought Powell River was too far, we're not snobs! Welcome to the club Wolf_Eel! There really are no limits to our extent as far as I'm concerned, and who knows, we might just get up your way. So even though there are no limits, the goal of this club (as I see it) is to inspire divers in this area (where there are lots of divers and lots of dive sites) to go online, find a buddy, and GO DIVE!!! :) Which is exactly what you're doing.

Just teasin' ya Sean!

PS Wish I could dive Monday, but alas, I've had THAT flu too recently...
wolf eel:
I have been told of a new flu bug that lasts for about a day. It seems to infect outdoor people the most. :D
I was just wondering as I am going to be travelling to Van often. Plus we are having a diving event on the weekend next 11th to the 13th and we if anybody is interested from that area have cabins on the beach in front of the Mermaid $50 a night and has room for four and stove and such good clean place.

If the flu hits your way I am heading down Sunday night and plan on being in Van for diving Monday morning.



I'm interested in the cabins as well. Is there a website for them?

Here is the deal for the cabins. They are at a place called hummingbird cove marina nice place. For the event they are willing to drop their rate to $50.00 a night. That I believe has two rooms and sleeps four. Here be the number. 604-487-1499. home 604-487-9694, cell 604-487-1840 They may be spoken for as a couple had called two days ago. Great place to be literly on the water 3 mins and you are at the Mermaids feet.

Lang bay has units for the event also at good prices $49 and $59 a night.
604-487-0111 is the number for Lang bay. you can also dive from your window in lang bay 10 mins north of the Mermaid.

Derek, I'd love to join ya, but sadly, I have some major responsibilities that I have to attend to on monday. Big customer that I have a meeting with. Otherwise, the flu has been know to hit occasionally.

I wasn't meaning to exclude anyone. Just saying, if we're focusing on southern BC, Powell River is kinda the extend of where the club will focus our efforts. Outside of that, you're always welcome to join and chime in, it's just that the main focus won't be on your area.

Maybe we'll do a weekend this summer or spring up to Powell River. Been meaning to make a trip up there for awhile now. There is quite a bit of camping right nearby too isn't there? I have no problem tenting it.

The Mermaid is in a camp ground which has a diver shower for two to rinse off. And washrooms and change rooms. It is wheel chair friendly. A local company from the Island will do night certs for anybody interested at a very good cost friday and sat night. We are going (we hope) to have the Mermaid lit up underwater which will be cool. Just getting some things worked out. I do understand the main focus is the lower part of the southern part :D and thanks for the invite. I think Kwissie may have talked her hubby into a dive for me.
I guess my point is, let's worry less about making rules, and more about diving and getting a NAME for this CLUB!!!!

Actually, I have one rule to add...
There are no rules!

hee hee hee hee hee

I wasn't meaning to exclude anyone. Just saying, if we're focusing on southern BC, Powell River is kinda the extend of where the club will focus our efforts. Outside of that, you're always welcome to join and chime in, it's just that the main focus won't be on your area.
Well Andrea, as you seem to be leading the charge, lets setup a thread with the top few names and post a poll. Whatever wins after lets say a week?

Well, we need rules, otherwise there's nothing to break :p
Yes, a poll...

Well, we need rules, otherwise there's nothing to break :p

I'm not sure which way is more fun!!! :eyebrow:

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