Greater Vancouver Area Dive Club

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Lightning Fish:
Wow!!! I clicked on deepcolddivers and got hit by a couple of trojan viruses. Fortunately my anti-virus caught them.

I can't make it, but would like to know where Tuwanek is.


There is no virus there that I can see, they use a bad redirect technique so your browser will (*should*) warn you. It's a safe site,they just try to redirect to

Two more names to ponder...

Southern BC/Greater Vancouver DEVILFISH
Devilfish is a name for gray whales. Apparently there population was reduced to about 1000 due to whale hunting. Now that the hunting has been prohibited/reduced? the population has made a comeback to about 20,000 (I think). I thought this would be cool, signifying the Vancouver Divers "comeback" :)

Or, Vancouver Spyhoppers?

Times running out! Speak now or forever hold your peace...

Andrea :wink:

I like both of them. Southern BC Spyhoppers has a nice ring to it. Then again, Devilfish is good too. There was a gray whale on the news the other day spotted in Puget Sound.

I can already think of a nice logo to make for Spyhoppers...
What kind of drysuit did you buy and where did you get it? How did you finally decide? Just curious as I am currently in the process of buying a drysuit.
I ended up picking up a White's Nexus. I rented a few different brand names before I decided - and I also rented a few neoprene drysuits. I don't like the neoprene because I'm a small guy to begin with and it just screws around with my buoancy too much (or I had to wear more weight then I'm comfortable with). The nexus shell was the one I was most comfortable in within the price range I was willing to spend.

I ended up picking it up at BC Dive and Kayak on 4th Ave.

(of course, a meltdown at the office ended up getting me called in earlier today. I'm at the office now DREAMING about the drysuit instead of playing with it.)

-- greg
sure, if i can join. I live about 30 mins away from vancouver in Kelvin Grove
BC Puddle Jumpers.

May as well throw a new name in.

Or NaCl H20 junkies? Salt water for those of you who were wondering.
So who's going out diving this weekend? Why not post it here and see if anyone wants to join you?! :wink: It can't hurt to meet new dive buddies.

Have a great weekend everyone.

I will be in Van on Monday is anybody up for a dive ? Could be fun, you all could pick me apart think about it. :D You would also learn loads about me.
Monday? Damn, sometimes a monday to friday job sucks. Good luck finding someone to take out for a dive.

Powell river is probably pushing the limits of the club, but it's still southern bc as far as I'm concerned.
bcsean Monday? Damn, sometimes a monday to friday job sucks. Good luck finding someone to take out for a dive.
I have been told of a new flu bug that lasts for about a day. It seems to infect outdoor people the most. :D
Powell river is probably pushing the limits of the club, but it's still southern bc as far as I'm concerned.
I was just wondering as I am going to be travelling to Van often. Plus we are having a diving event on the weekend next 11th to the 13th and we if anybody is interested from that area have cabins on the beach in front of the Mermaid $50 a night and has room for four and stove and such good clean place.

If the flu hits your way I am heading down Sunday night and plan on being in Van for diving Monday morning.


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