If you have a good Guide leading your dives (and most of them are very good) they will point out a bazillion things that you may not have seen on your own.
Be sure to look up Blennies in the book because they are tiny and varied.
There are a couple varieties of rays including one electric version. You don't want to touch any regardless, but it is good to know which ones to really stay clear of.
There are a few varieties of groupers in the area. I don't know them, but I have seen Nassau and two other varieties (at least)
Two or three different species of turtle at least.
I usually have some confusion regarding the cowfish and trunkfish and their relatives. YMMV.
Gosh, I wish I was going with you. Of course you are probably already there, and I am sitting here pretending to work!
Be sure to look up Blennies in the book because they are tiny and varied.
There are a couple varieties of rays including one electric version. You don't want to touch any regardless, but it is good to know which ones to really stay clear of.
There are a few varieties of groupers in the area. I don't know them, but I have seen Nassau and two other varieties (at least)
Two or three different species of turtle at least.
I usually have some confusion regarding the cowfish and trunkfish and their relatives. YMMV.
Gosh, I wish I was going with you. Of course you are probably already there, and I am sitting here pretending to work!