@deepsea21 Thank you for your sharing about the weight- that helps, and also makes me feel a little better about where I am at.. And yes- I do notice the rise and fall a bit with the bouancy and breath- although not in a way that bothers me.. unless I am trying to get down or go up.. And definitely notice the difference with the wet suits.. I had a brand new one my last dive and needed a lot more weight (we rent them)
@uncfnp Thank you so much for the recommendation- I will check it out. I just wrote to Tres Pelicano's so if they have availability during our time.. we will book a few days- and then plan our Cozumel trip around that so will be checking availability once that is settled..
crossing my fingers that they will have diving spots available- if not will try someone else
@scrane Thanks for your input-
@uncfnp Thank you so much for the recommendation- I will check it out. I just wrote to Tres Pelicano's so if they have availability during our time.. we will book a few days- and then plan our Cozumel trip around that so will be checking availability once that is settled..
crossing my fingers that they will have diving spots available- if not will try someone else

@scrane Thanks for your input-