Global warming...yes again

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Let's look at some facts:

1) the geological comparison of co2 and temp from ice core samples show that temp rises hundreds of years BEFORE co2 rises, suggesting that rising co2 is an epiphenomenon of temp rising, not the cause. This time lag has not been refuted, nor explained, by even diehard GW advocates. It is simply ignored.

I addressed this one already - I see you're doing your best to ignore anything which interferes with your beliefs. Long story short, its a measurement error, caused by the way air gets trapped into ice. It was predicted nearly a decade before we could even measure such things. The fact that we see what we predicted is a pretty good sign we got a handle on things...

I provided the detailed links in a past message, either on this thread or another.

2) the IPCC report (the REPORT, not the dumbed down summary for bureaucrats) admits that models of GW are flawed, don't include carbon feedback loops or cloud contributions, and don't include oscillations like El Ninos...all critical flaws considering that the models are expected to do something no climate model is intended to do, namely, predict short term climate change occurring in less than a century (which really makes them glorified meterological forecasts and not climate models at all)

Really? Perhaps you could provide evidence of such. They admit that there are margins of error - no science is without those - but its hardly a flaw. As for the different elements you bring up, all of those are accounted for in some models.

3) the report has a 90% confidence level for its predictions which, for peer reviewed scientific articles, means that their conclusions should be tossed into the circular file as worthless. Try to get the FDA to approve a drug with a 90% chance that it will work. By convention, only conclusions stated to a 95% certainty or greater are publishable. Of course, that's moot here, since their is no statistical calculation in the report to justify a "90%" confidence level anyway. No such calculations can be done for futurologiy (The Patriots have a 93.9% chance of covering the spread Sunday --- sounds stupid doesn't it?) Only Spock could get away with that --- Captain, I estimate our chance of survival as one in 1,276,567.

Absolutely wrong, as I pointed out before. Firstly, a 90% CI is not a p of 0.1. Depending on the variability of a data sets (i.e. the SEM) a .9 CI can be a p of anywhere from 0.008 to 0.064. So its either significant, or in the realm of "probable".

Oh, and while we're on the topic, certainty doesn't exist in science. CI is a well defined scientific term, certainty only exists in fiction.

4) the atmospheric models used for GW are similar in application to the hurricane prediction models which have been staggeringly off base recently; again, this is ignored. If we can't predict MAJOR atmospheric disturbances over a SMALL region ONE year in advance, how can we predict a subtle change in the whole planet 100 years hence to a 90% certainty? Andy, don't listen to 'experts', use your own brain...does this make any sense to you? You don't strike me as someone who would swallow what "experts" say without question in any other arena, why this one?

Not even close. Hurricaes are local weather phenomena driven by 2 or 3 localized factors. Global circulation models (i.e. GW models) are based on completely different physical principals, inputs, and modeling methods.

As for you big/small question, you're just showing your ignorance of where the problems lie. Small scale variations - i.e. weather - involve more factors then can be modeled with todays computers; hence the low accuracy of the predications. Global-scale climate is essentially driven by 2 factors - energy in and energy out. Much easier to model, even when talking about the forces which end up driving those two factors.

5) there isn't a good correlation between co2 and temp even in this century, although GW enthusiasts explain this by the "cooling forces" of Mount Pinatubo and other volcanic activity which throws the recent curves off --- these cooling effects, incidentally, were the same effects that lead these same Einsteins to forecast a new ice age in the 1970s. They may be right, I don't know, but the situation isn't nearly as cut and dry as you say. Besides, the association of temp and co2 may be simply post hoc ergo propter hoc, two unrelated events linked by a common third variable, such as solar activity

Who's graphs have you been looking at?There is an amazing correlation. We have an unprecedented rate of CO2 accumulation, accompanied by an unprecedented rate of temperature rise. Especially in the post-1970's era.

Read the reports, rather than simply appealing to "consensus" and "authority"; the debate is far from settled. I am no climatologist, but when the people say in the reports that their models are "flawed" and prone to significant error in the short periods of time involved, how much of an expert to you need to be?

I've read the actual reports, and many of the scientific papers they were based on. maybe you should do the same - its pretty obvious you haven't. Otherwise you wouldn't bring up "issues" which were predicted before we even confirmed they occurred.

When someone tells me to change my lifestyle based on computer models that don't include the effects of clouds for crying out loud, I mean, exactly how gullible or expert do I need to be to fathom that floater of an idea? Do you have to be Isaac Newton do distrust a climate model that doesn't account for cloud cover??????

Some models do account for cloud cover. The first was published in science back in 2002 or 2003.

So I see your statement as "I've decided to ignore what the scientists have been doing for the last 30-ish years, and based on my outdated concept of where the science stands choose to ignore their modern-day findings".

So I see your statement as "I've decided to ignore what the scientists have been doing for the last 30-ish years, and based on my outdated concept of where the science stands choose to ignore their modern-day findings".

basically he just throws up every possible objection to global warming regardless of what the actual facts as to each such objection are

in another field, he'd still be arguing that the earth is the center of the universe because many 13th century authorities said so, and after all, if the earth were moving, everything would fly off it ...

it's just common sense
Not to nit pick but really Andy I'm pretty sure that Einstien has provided ample evidence that indeed the earth is the center of the universe ...with respect to the earth ...relatively speaking...
Not to nit pick but really Andy I'm pretty sure that Einstien has provided ample evidence that indeed the earth is the center of the universe ...with respect to the earth ...relatively speaking...


Einstein admitted that his static universe model (i.e. the cosmological constant) was the greatest blunder of his career

in other words, there is no center to the universe. the universe has no edge, and thus no center as such

relativity has little to do with cosmology (relatively speaking :14:) and the term "center of the universe" is not supported by Einstein's theory
Andy I guess you missed my point ... Einstiens relativity with respect to formulating reference points in order to solve spacial and temporal equations supposes that the earth is the locus..with respect to the earth. For instance determining gradients in order to predict propogating field attenuation assumes that the earth is the locus of the source ...otherwise we wouldn't be able to communicate with our various space probes. The earth must be the locus in all equations otherwise the fields would miss their targets -eh! Doesn't matter where the earth is in reference to the universe ...just as long as it is the center of the universe to speak everything resolves (pun intended) around the earth.
Year of global cooling

By David Deming
December 19, 2007

Icebergs float in a bay off Ammassalik Island, Greenland, in this July 19, 2007 file picture. September reports from scientists documented that a record amount of Greenland's ice sheet melted this past summer — 3 billion tons more than the previous high mark.

Al Gore says global warming is a planetary emergency. It is difficult to see how this can be so when record low temperatures are being set all over the world. In 2007, hundreds of people died, not from global warming, but from cold weather hazards.

Since the mid-19th century, the mean global temperature has increased by 0.7 degrees Celsius. This slight warming is not unusual, and lies well within the range of natural variation. Carbon dioxide continues to build in the atmosphere, but the mean planetary temperature hasn't increased significantly for nearly nine years. Antarctica is getting colder. Neither the intensity nor the frequency of hurricanes has increased. The 2007 season was the third-quietest since 1966. In 2006 not a single hurricane made landfall in the U.S.

South America this year experienced one of its coldest winters in decades. In Buenos Aires, snow fell for the first time since the year 1918. Dozens of homeless people died from exposure. In Peru, 200 people died from the cold and thousands more became infected with respiratory diseases. Crops failed, livestock perished, and the Peruvian government declared a state of emergency.

Unexpected bitter cold swept the entire Southern Hemisphere in 2007. Johannesburg, South Africa, had the first significant snowfall in 26 years. Australia experienced the coldest June ever. In northeastern Australia, the city of Townsville underwent the longest period of continuously cold weather since 1941. In New Zealand, the weather turned so cold that vineyards were endangered.

Last January, $1.42 billion worth of California produce was lost to a devastating five-day freeze. Thousands of agricultural employees were thrown out of work. At the supermarket, citrus prices soared. In the wake of the freeze, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked President Bush to issue a disaster declaration for affected counties. A few months earlier, Mr. Schwarzenegger had enthusiastically signed the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, a law designed to cool the climate. California Sen. Barbara Boxer continues to push for similar legislation in the U.S. Senate.

In April, a killing freeze destroyed 95 percent of South Carolina's peach crop, and 90 percent of North Carolina's apple harvest. At Charlotte, N.C., a record low temperature of 21 degrees Fahrenheit on April 8 was the coldest ever recorded for April, breaking a record set in 1923. On June 8, Denver recorded a new low of 31 degrees Fahrenheit. Denver's temperature records extend back to 1872.

Recent weeks have seen the return of unusually cold conditions to the Northern Hemisphere. On Dec. 7, St. Cloud, Minn., set a new record low of minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit. On the same date, record low temperatures were also recorded in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Extreme cold weather is occurring worldwide. On Dec. 4, in Seoul, Korea, the temperature was a record minus 5 degrees Celsius. Nov. 24, in Meacham, Ore., the minimum temperature was 12 degrees Fahrenheit colder than the previous record low set in 1952. The Canadian government warns that this winter is likely to be the coldest in 15 years.
Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri are just emerging from a destructive ice storm that left at least 36 people dead and a million without electric power. People worldwide are being reminded of what used to be common sense: Cold temperatures are inimical to human welfare and warm weather is beneficial. Left in the dark and cold, Oklahomans rushed out to buy electric generators powered by gasoline, not solar cells. No one seemed particularly concerned about the welfare of polar bears, penguins or walruses. Fossil fuels don't seem so awful when you're in the cold and dark.

If you think any of the preceding facts can falsify global warming, you're hopelessly naive. Nothing creates cognitive dissonance in the mind of a true believer. In 2005, a Canadian Greenpeace representative explained “global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter.” In other words, all weather variations are evidence for global warming. I can't make this stuff up.

Global warming has long since passed from scientific hypothesis to the realm of pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo.

David Deming is a geophysicist, an adjunct scholar with the National Center for Policy Analysis, and associate professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma.
Andy I guess you missed my point ... Einstiens relativity with respect to formulating reference points in order to solve spacial and temporal equations supposes that the earth is the locus..with respect to the earth.

ah yeah sure

i missed your point


(by the way, b.s. traveling at the speed of light is still b.s.)
Some stuff

It's nice to see you using such an impartial source <snicker> to support you position <snicker>. I loved the intense discussion of data, the unattached view, along with citations to the science which supports his contentions :rofl3:

Well, I almost said it with a straight face...

The irony is the very things the author complains about are true. Global warming is a horrible term - global climate change is much more appropriate. Keep in mind we're talking about small changes in temps - a few degrees - not conversion to a venus-like atmosphere like so many of the anti-warming people seem to think.

No one expects the world to warm evenly; and cooling in many areas is in fact a prediction of the models, and an observed phenomena. Its pretty simple, many places on this planet (i.e. Europe) are warmed (or in some cases cooled) by persistent air or water currents. Changes in the global climate has already changed some of these flows (i.e. the jet stream is now a few hundred km farther north then it was historically), while many others are sensitive to changes in temps (i.e. the gulf stream). Guess what happens when you move - or stop - a flow of air or water which warms an area...

At the end of the day you've got nothing more then a reporter complaining about weather. As anyone who's picked up an introductory book on climatology - or for that matter a grade 12 science textbook - knows, WEATHER IS NOT CLIMATE.

2007 statistics aren't available yet - it takes almost 2 years to analyze the data. That said, the raw data is available here. Maybe we should forward this to your reporter, and let him analyze the data, since he clearly knows far more then all those thousands of scientists who do this stuff for a living.

Oh wait, he doesn't even know the difference between weather and climate. Maybe we should send him a high-school science text first. After that maybe we can get him to fact-check, or at least teach him where in papers opinion pieces go.


Einstein admitted that his static universe model (i.e. the cosmological constant) was the greatest blunder of his career

in other words, there is no center to the universe. the universe has no edge, and thus no center as such

relativity has little to do with cosmology (relatively speaking :14:) and the term "center of the universe" is not supported by Einstein's theory

the statement "relativity has little to do with cosmology" is, quite simply, absurd. The special theory has little to do with it, but the general theory has everything to do with it. In fact, modern cosmology is deeply intertwined with the general theory of relativity. At the distances involved, the only known force applicable to cosmology is gravity and GR is the accepted model of gravitation.

To say that relativity has little to do with cosmology is like saying DNA has little to do with biology.
Wow this global warming things really has people in an up-roar. sooo for what its worth here's my two cents worth.

I am all for clean fuels and all that we can do to create a cleaner enviroment and oceans, but not to the extreme of some people wanting to make what I feel are crazy statements. One side swears the earth is going to be destroyed from so called global warming, while another is calling for another ice age, and everyone has their so called facts and the real truth.
I have also heard that the earth is 10 million years old and then according to another expert it is 50 million years old, but wait still another declares it to be over 200 million years old......come on that's a difference of 190 million years between the expert that says 10 million and the one who says 200 million.....where are they getting their so called facts on??? where any of the there?????

Anyway here is how I see it all:
- I fully believe the bible's account of God, that He created the Heavens and the earth.
- Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.
- To me it is the hight of arrogance to think for one minute that mankind can destroy what God created. (another way of saying that we are equal to or grearter that God Himself)
- Yes we can do things that aren't good for our planet, but we are not in any way going to be able to destroy God's earth.
- Yes I know this is according to my faith and everyone doesn't believe the same way, after all I did say this was my two cents worth. But think about takes more faith to believe that all of a sudden millions of years ago (10-50 or 200) that everything lined up just right at the right time and BANG earth was created and formed all the land, rivers, oceans, atmosphere and even mankind, oh wait-a-minute I meant monkey and then we evolved into mankind......Now that take so far reaching faith to believe that instead of "wow there is a creation...hhhuuummmm....then there must be a creator".
I even believe in the "Big Bang Theory" = God said it and "BANG" it happened.:D

Everyone have a blessed and merry CHRISTmas.

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