Global warming...yes again

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Just so you all know my point is this...the government is going to spend alot of your tax dollars on GW solutions ...I am going to cash in on those solutions as are millions of others ...just be prepared to pay that is all I am asking. Plainly if you are willing to pay ...then I am willing to charge our government for my skills to combat a problem I don't believe deserves this much attention. BTW my daughters 529 thanks you as well!
Sun, Not Man, Main Cause of Climate Change, New Study Says
By Monisha Bansal Staff Writer
December 11, 2007

( - According to a new study on global warming, climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia found that the climate change models based on human influence do not match observed warming.

That is contrary to the views held by former Vice President Al Gore, who accepted the Nobel Prize on Monday along with the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and who thinks that climate change is largely caused by human action.

Gore wants nations to tax carbon dioxide emissions and not build any new coal plants, among other steps. "It is time to make peace with the planet," Gore said in his Nobel speech, as reported by the Associated Press. "We must quickly mobilize our civilization with the urgency and resolve that has previously been seen only when nations mobilized for war."

The new report, which challenges the claims of Gore and the IPCC, was published in the December 2007 issue of the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society.

The report was written by David Douglass at the University of Rochester, John Christy at the University of Alabama, and Benjamin Pearson and S. Fred Singer at the University of Virginia.

"Our findings basically are that fingerprints - that is to say the pattern of warming - that's predicted by greenhouse models does not match the fingerprints of observations, so there is a disconnect between greenhouse models and the actual reality of observations," Singer told Cybercast News Service.

"This means that the greenhouse effect - while real - is not very important in producing climate change," he said. "It's a lot smaller than what the models calculate."

Singer said the reason why the models "overestimate the effectiveness of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is that the models ignore what are called negative feedbacks which occur in the atmosphere, such as clouds, which reduce the effect of the greenhouse gases."

"Their models just don't consider them properly," he said.

But Bracken Hendricks, a senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress, told Cybercast News Service, that the study is "radically out of step with the complete scientific consensus."

"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is not just a report. It's not just a random gathering of scientists. It's the largest scientific body ever assembled," he said. "Their most recent assessment determined that there's 90 percent certainty that global climate change is happening and that it is caused by human beings."

But Singer said, "We have to remember that the climate has always been changing ever since we have records, and we have geologic records going back millions and millions of years. We know that there have been huge climate changes on the earth long before human beings actually came into existence.

"We are fairly sure that what's causing the warming are changes in the sun," he said. "These are very subtle changes that are very difficult to observe. The sun is really a quite variable star."

Hendricks, however, said because of the IPCC report, "the assertion that this is caused by increased solar activity or these sorts of things is out of step with the vast consensus."

"It's dangerous to get into a game of dueling science," he added. "We don't want to be gambling with the fate of the planet."

But Singer said because global warming is a natural event. "There is little point to try to control emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which means that all of this legislation and all of these efforts to find substitutes for fossil fuels are pointless, useless and very, very expensive," he said.

Hendricks countered, saying that alternative energy will be a multi-billion dollar industry and "an opportunity to revitalize our global competitiveness" through innovation and job creation.

This is the answer to your report

Temperature rises 'not caused by sun'
David Adam, environment correspondent Guardian Unlimited, Thursday July 5 2007 Claims in a controversial Channel 4 programme that recent rises in global temperatures have been caused by the sun have been disproved by scientists.

The programme, the Great Global Warming Swindle, claimed that instead of greenhouse gases from human activity being to blame for a recent surge in temperatures, a change in solar activity was responsible because it influenced the number of cosmic rays that strike the Earth.

The film presented such changes in the sun as a viable alternative explanation for rising temperatures, and was widely cited in discussions of a recent poll that showed 56% of the UK public doubted the scientific cause of climate change.

But the new analysis, to be published in a Royal Society journal on Tuesday, shows that global warming since 1985 cannot have been caused by an increase in solar radiation or by a decrease in cosmic rays.

Mike Lockwood, a physicist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, said: "It is absolutely clear that the sun is nothing to do with the recent warming.

"This doesn't rely on models, it uses real data and it shows that all the solar trends have been going in the opposite direction for the last 20 years."

Professor Lockwood carried out the new study to directly challenge the claims made in the Channel 4 programme, which was criticised as misleading by scientists.

With Claus Frohlich of the World Radiation Centre in Davos, Switzerland, he compared temperature and solar data for the past 100 years.

The records show that solar activity peaked between 1985 and 1987.

Since then, trends in sunshine, sunspot number and cosmic rays have all been in the opposite direction to that required to explain global warming - while temperatures at the Earth's surface rose steadily by more than 0.3C.

The two scientists conclude: "Our results show that the observed rapid rise in global mean temperatures seen after 1985 cannot be ascribed to solar variability, whichever mechanism is invoked."

In pre-industrial times, Prof Lockwood said, there was considerable evidence that the sun played a significant role in driving global climate, but he was concerned this genuine area of study had been done a "great disservice" by climate sceptics who were trying to confuse people about recent global warming.

He said: "I know we're attacking a bit of a strawman here because there is no serious scientific debate about recent warming, but those who disagree are very vocal. We wrote this up specifically to show they are wrong, and wrong in a dangerous way."
skull, did you get DiverBry's joke?

if it was an i.q. test ... well.. i flunked
Andy..I must admit if it was a timed based SAT ...I would be struggling to get into jr college ...ha ha ha.
cd-2 ...well I guess that puts that to rest -eh ..two scientist say that some other scientist are wrong ...and so on. Now we can kill this thread cause Lockwood, and Frohlich have ended all debate ...excellent
cd-2 ...well I guess that puts that to rest -eh ..two scientist say that some other scientist are wrong ...and so on. Now we can kill this thread cause Lockwood, and Frohlich have ended all debate ...excellent

The main cornerstones of science is reproducibility - to be able to produce results others can reproduce - and trying not to bias your results through the design of your experiments and methods of analysis. Having read the entirety of the scientific publication (not news paper article), I am even more suspicious then I was last night. Reasons are simple:

1) This is the 8th publication to use the exact same set of satellite data for looking at temperature trends, and while the other 7 all found more-or-less the same thing, this paper found the exact opposite. The likelyhood 7 got it wrong is pretty small.

2) The authors figures do not match well with their claims. They see a warming trend, albeit with some variability, but then say "no warming".

3) The satellite data covers the whole earth, and yet they only look at the equatorial region. If I were to design a study which would show minimal warming that's exactly where I would look - every modern warming model predicts the least amount of warming in the tropics, with increasing warming as you move towards the poles. This is also the warming trend we observe today.

4) Most of their data is for the layer of our atmosphere extending from 5km upwards. Which doesn't make much sense, as we live on the ground and our weather is predominantly driven by the air and temps below 5km.

Anyways, I'm not a climatologist by training, so maybe those things are considered "normal" in the field. Had I received a paper with similar issues in my own field I would have rejected it. But then again, I am a bit of an ass.

Medical researcher Dr. Klaus-Martin Schulte recently updated this research. Using the same database and search terms as Oreskes, he examined all papers published from 2004 to February 2007. The results have been submitted to the journal Energy and Environment, of which DailyTech has obtained a pre-publication copy. The figures are surprising.

Of 528 total papers on climate change, only 38 (7%) gave an explicit endorsement of the consensus. If one considers "implicit" endorsement (accepting the consensus without explicit statement), the figure rises to 45%. However, while only 32 papers (6%) reject the consensus outright, the largest category (48%) are neutral papers, refusing to either accept or reject the hypothesis. This is no "consensus."

You're leaving out a lot here. Dr. Schulte's "work" (and I'm using the term very loosely here) has been laughed at and outright rejected. I'm actually using it as an example in a lecture I'm teaching in February on intellectual integrity and proper research technique.

BTW, I'm using it as an example of how to kill your career by committing fraud.

Long and short, he did not do what he claims to have done (he would have had to read over 2800 papers, not 528, according to my search of ISI for his search terms, in a field he was not formally trained in), he plagiarized others (Dr. Benny Peiser, who's fraudulent work that Schulte plagiarized nearly cost Peiser his job), and his paper has been rejected by every journal its been submitted to. In addition, he tried to sneak in his "survey" of the literature by masking it as a medical study on the mental health effects of the climate change controversy on his patients.

I'll try and dig up the link where I got this from, but this is an official statement from
Energy & Environments editor Dr.Sonja A.Boehmer-Christiansen, in response to some questions raised to her journal:

For your information, I have informed Dr.Schulte that I am happy to publish his own research findings on the effect on patients of climate alamism/'Angst'.

His survey of papers critical of the consensus was a bit patchy and nothing new, as you point out. it was not what was of interest to me; nothing has been published.

Sonja B-C
Dr.Sonja A.Boehmer-Christiansen
Reader, Department of Geography
Hull University
Editor, Energy&Environment
Multi-Science (Multi-Science Publishing website)
Phone:(0044)1482 465349/466341/465385
Fax: (0044) 1482 466340
The only "publication" he's received so far is in the form of news releases from anti-warming foundations. I doubt he'll get farther then that.

When you get down to it every survey of the literature done so far shows the exact opposite - that papers either agree explicitly with GW, agree implicitly, or make no claim. Only the tiniest percentage outright question GW. One such survey:

BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change -- Oreskes 306 (5702): 1686 -- Science

cd-2 ...well I guess that puts that to rest -eh ..two scientist say that some other scientist are wrong ...and so on. Now we can kill this thread cause Lockwood, and Frohlich have ended all debate ...excellent

You are upset?. Look on the bright side, the money is going to keep pouring into your bank account :D
Nope, not getting involved here... I'm going diving before our kelp forests give way to coral reefs.

Bravo drbill !! I always said...sometimes....that global warming can't be all bad. :D
Many noted atmospheric experts and environmentalists believe that as the globe continues to warm, hurricanes will become increasingly more powerful.

But a couple of scientists are throwing cold water on that concept.

They have found that as the Earth's atmosphere becomes hotter, hurricane intensity likely won't increase -- at least in the Atlantic basin -- and might even deflate somewhat. The reason: heat acts to stabilize the upper atmosphere, which, in turn, hurts a storm's ability to build.

"When you warm the upper atmosphere, you make storm formation less efficient," said Gabriel Vecchi, a research oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.

The findings of Vecchi, along with Brian Soden, an associate professor of oceanography at the University of Miami, are to be published on Thursday in Nature, a prominent science journal.

They initially conducted their study to determine just how powerful hurricanes might ultimately become over the next 50 to 100 years, in light of global warming.

After drawing on global models that simulated climate conditions into the future, they found that natural factors, such as El Niño and wind patterns, had a greater influence on boosting hurricane intensity than a steady warming of the atmosphere -- the result of human activity.

"Even though we know oceans will warm, that doesn't mean hurricanes will intensify over the next 50 to 100 years," Soden, of UM's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, said.

One possible benefit of their study, they said, could be improving hurricane season forecasts, which have been off the mark for the past several years.

Their conclusions seemed to be in conflict with a growing number of studies that hold that global warming is steadily increasing the intensity, duration and number of tropical systems.

Kerry Emanuel, a professor of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for instance, conducted a study that found the combined power of Atlantic hurricanes has more than doubled since 1970.

A study conducted by atmospheric experts Peter Webster, Judith Curry and Hai-Ru Chang of Georgia Tech and Greg Holland at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, found in the past 35 years, the number of Category 4 or 5 hurricanes has almost doubled.

Soden acknowledges that oceans are indeed heating up to record high temperatures.

But he said warm water alone does not stoke up hurricane intensity -- and likely wasn't the sole culprit in making the 2004 and 2005 seasons so active. Other factors, such as light wind shear, also contribute to hurricane power, he said.

Since 1970, when human-induced global warming is thought to have taken effect, the most powerful Atlantic-basin hurricanes have included Hurricane Rita, which had sustained winds of 180 mph in September 2005, and Hurricane Wilma, which registered sustained winds of 185 mph the following month.

In the future, some hurricanes might grow just as strong, but overall, there should be no noticeable trend of storms continually becoming stronger, Vecchi, of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, in Princeton, N.J., and Soden said.

"Model projections show intensity actually will decrease," Soden said.

Kyle Swanson, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, agrees with Vecchi and Soden. Swanson conducted a similar study, focusing on the Pacific Ocean, and found that hurricanes in that basin likely will increase in intensity by 5 to 10 percent in the future.

"In the Atlantic, it doesn't appear intensity is going to go up," he said. "It might fluctuate, but there doesn't appear to be a climate change trend."

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This article is from the Sun Sentinel. Just 2 years ago I remember them saying that "global warming" was causing all these hurricanes

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