Global warming...yes again

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"This article is from the Sun Sentinel. Just 2 years ago I remember them saying that "global warming" was causing all these hurricanes"

Who was "them", because it wasn't the climatologists. The idea that warming may cause increases in hurricane frequency never "caught on" for the simple reason that the initial cause of hurricanes (dusty air off of the sahara) isn't very temperature-sensitive, meaning that increasing global temps shouldn't impact the frequency of hurricanes much. What was (and still is) a concern is that increasing water temps could produce more powerful hurricanes, as hurricanes are basically thermal engines.

Or, in other words, you're either mistaken in what you heard, or "them" were not the climatologists. Climatologists looked into the question, and the answer was pretty clear - GW shouldn't impact hurricane frequency very much.

"This article is from the Sun Sentinel. Just 2 years ago I remember them saying that "global warming" was causing all these hurricanes"

Who was "them", because it wasn't the climatologists. The idea that warming may cause increases in hurricane frequency never "caught on" for the simple reason that the initial cause of hurricanes (dusty air off of the sahara) isn't very temperature-sensitive, meaning that increasing global temps shouldn't impact the frequency of hurricanes much. What was (and still is) a concern is that increasing water temps could produce more powerful hurricanes, as hurricanes are basically thermal engines.

Or, in other words, you're either mistaken in what you heard, or "them" were not the climatologists. Climatologists looked into the question, and the answer was pretty clear - GW shouldn't impact hurricane frequency very much.


Actually no it was reported like that many times and now it seems that maybe other "facts" are seeping out. Nevertheless less hurricanes for us in the Florida Keys is a good thing
If I am not mistaken, doesn't the cover art for "An Inconvenient Truth" feature a hurricane coming out of a smoke stack? So now hurricanes don't come from GW after all???

Climatologists may not have made this connection, but the propaganda from mr. nobel laurate sure does.
If I am not mistaken, doesn't the cover art for "An Inconvenient Truth" feature a hurricane coming out of a smoke stack? So now hurricanes don't come from GW after all???

Climatologists may not have made this connection, but the propaganda from mr. nobel laurate sure does.

Its not necessarily that inaccurate. As I mentioned, while the number of hurricanes is not likely to increase due to GW, the intensity of the hurricanes is. As for other tropical storms (typhoons, monsoons, etc) their may be a more direct link. I honestly don't know.

If I am not mistaken, doesn't the cover art for "An Inconvenient Truth" feature a hurricane coming out of a smoke stack? So now hurricanes don't come from GW after all???

Climatologists may not have made this connection, but the propaganda from mr. nobel laurate sure does.

True but from him thats expected
You revealed a little bit of your own biases in that post, I guess, by suggesting that recovered substance abusers, divorced men and Mormons have intrinsically nothing to say of any value.
Bollocks. He simply has no credentials in the area he's writing about at all. I don't see how being an ex-addict/divorced/*insert whatever religious affiliation here* qualifies anyone to talk about global warming.

Of course maybe I missed something....... like the fact that he's a climatologist or something of relevance. :wink:

I prefer to listen to people who actually have a chance to know what they're talking about.
ISo now hurricanes don't come from GW after all???

hurricanes don't come from global warming ... nobody but you is saying that ... for good reason

perhaps you are not aware of this, but we've had hurricanes for more than 200 years ... just a tad longer than that ...say a couple ... billion years ... give or take a million or two

might be a clue to your real awareness of these issues ... i don't know...

hurricanes don't come from global warming ... nobody but you is saying that ... for good reason

perhaps you are not aware of this, but we've had hurricanes for more than 200 years ... just a tad longer than that ...say a couple ... billion years ... give or take a million or two

might be a clue to your real awareness of these issues ... i don't know...


I was being sarcastic of course, but the issue remains: why does the cover art for the Gore movie have a hurricane arising from an industrial smoke stack? Is this not a not-too-subtle suggestion that hurricanes indeed come from pollution, or are at least worsened by pollution? Apparently, an article appeared in Nature just this week disputing the relationship of ocean temps or GW to hurricane severity, so no, the debate is NOT settled on this topic either.

Also, how do we know what the severity or frequency of hurricanes was in the 1600s or even the 1800s? Without satellite radar and hurricane hunting planes, it is difficult to know whether storms are worse or more frequent now then they were at other times. Moreover, people weren't quite so adamant about congregating by the millions a few feet from tropical beaches in centuries past, so a category 5 storm often did little to register in human consciousness or recorded history even if it did hit land. And of course, no one but dead sailors knew about those that made no landfall.

And how to explain the past two two dead seasons, despite warm oceans and cataclysmal rises in air temp?

Given your opinion of such threads, I find it fascinating you still read these posts. Sort of like the baptist minister who preaches morality from the pulpit but can't help reading Hustler in his spare time.
why does the cover art for the Gore movie have a hurricane arising from an industrial smoke stack?

oh yes, because that is indeed the issue ... the


on Gore's


not the uncanny accuracy of the models so far, not the 90% plus consensus on the science, not the overwhelming evidence that keeps growing each day

no sir...

you go on looking at the cover of Gore's book ...


and yes, i guess it could be just a coincidence that the past 200 years of unprecedented CO2 growth and global warming just happen to coincide with the Industrial Revolution

anything's possible

it's funny how you guys will spend all day with your nose one inch from the data so you don't have to look at the big picture
oh yes, because that is indeed the issue ... the


on Gore's


not the uncanny accuracy of the models so far, not the 90% plus consensus on the science, not the overwhelming evidence that keeps growing each day

no sir...

you go on looking at the cover of Gore's book ...


and yes, i guess it could be just a coincidence that the past 200 years of unprecedented CO2 growth and global warming just happen to coincide with the Industrial Revolution

anything's possible

it's funny how you guys will spend all day with your nose one inch from the data so you don't have to look at the big picture

Let's look at some facts:

1) the geological comparison of co2 and temp from ice core samples show that temp rises hundreds of years BEFORE co2 rises, suggesting that rising co2 is an epiphenomenon of temp rising, not the cause. This time lag has not been refuted, nor explained, by even diehard GW advocates. It is simply ignored.

2) the IPCC report (the REPORT, not the dumbed down summary for bureaucrats) admits that models of GW are flawed, don't include carbon feedback loops or cloud contributions, and don't include oscillations like El Ninos...all critical flaws considering that the models are expected to do something no climate model is intended to do, namely, predict short term climate change occurring in less than a century (which really makes them glorified meterological forecasts and not climate models at all)

3) the report has a 90% confidence level for its predictions which, for peer reviewed scientific articles, means that their conclusions should be tossed into the circular file as worthless. Try to get the FDA to approve a drug with a 90% chance that it will work. By convention, only conclusions stated to a 95% certainty or greater are publishable. Of course, that's moot here, since their is no statistical calculation in the report to justify a "90%" confidence level anyway. No such calculations can be done for futurologiy (The Patriots have a 93.9% chance of covering the spread Sunday --- sounds stupid doesn't it?) Only Spock could get away with that --- Captain, I estimate our chance of survival as one in 1,276,567.

4) the atmospheric models used for GW are similar in application to the hurricane prediction models which have been staggeringly off base recently; again, this is ignored. If we can't predict MAJOR atmospheric disturbances over a SMALL region ONE year in advance, how can we predict a subtle change in the whole planet 100 years hence to a 90% certainty? Andy, don't listen to 'experts', use your own brain...does this make any sense to you? You don't strike me as someone who would swallow what "experts" say without question in any other arena, why this one?

5) there isn't a good correlation between co2 and temp even in this century, although GW enthusiasts explain this by the "cooling forces" of Mount Pinatubo and other volcanic activity which throws the recent curves off --- these cooling effects, incidentally, were the same effects that lead these same Einsteins to forecast a new ice age in the 1970s. They may be right, I don't know, but the situation isn't nearly as cut and dry as you say. Besides, the association of temp and co2 may be simply post hoc ergo propter hoc, two unrelated events linked by a common third variable, such as solar activity

Read the reports, rather than simply appealing to "consensus" and "authority"; the debate is far from settled. I am no climatologist, but when the people say in the reports that their models are "flawed" and prone to significant error in the short periods of time involved, how much of an expert to you need to be?

Contrary to your previous posts, my status as a brain surgeon means nothing. If you ever read my books, I freely admit that we are not the intellectually gifted people that our image projects. Most of us are dimwits...seriously, we drill holes in peoples skulls to suck out blood clots and tumors, it really isn't all that demanding intellectually. it takes gall and arrogance, but not genius. I know some pretty stupid neurosurgeons, trust me. I have no standing professionally to make climate arguments at all, I am simply appealing to common sense.

When someone tells me to change my lifestyle based on computer models that don't include the effects of clouds for crying out loud, I mean, exactly how gullible or expert do I need to be to fathom that floater of an idea? Do you have to be Isaac Newton do distrust a climate model that doesn't account for cloud cover??????

Read the IPCC report in its entirety. Not very convincing.

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