I think Bob makes a good point, actually several good points.
1. I do not see many shops (nor, frankly, many instructors) doing a particularly good job of actively considering new approaches to procedures / techniques / configurations, etc. They do a better job of promoting new gear, whether it represents an advance in utility or performance, or not. They wait for, and even then are too often dragged kicking and screaming into, changes in agency training standards. There are exceptions, absolutely. But, those are just that - exceptional, and relatively uncommon, situations. And (understandably from a financial perspective, I admit) shops not infrequently hire younger, less experienced (and less expensive) divers as retail staff, and these are the individuals least likely to understand the significance and substance of changes. They simply don't have the length and breadth of experience to recognize genuine and positive change, and distinguish substantive evolution from new glitz.
2. Divers really have VERY limited resources available to them after certification for continued growth and development, except possibly if they pursue additional training (and even then, there is no guarantee of quality). SB, and similar sites, are actually one of the few resources widely available to divers. And, I know far too many instructors and shop owners who openly proclaim that they discourage their students / customers from going on SB, because 'there's too much politics'. I don't know what 'politics' they are talking about. Divergent - and strongly held, in some cases - opinions? Yes. Politics? Not really. Actually, what I suspect those instructors and owners are worried about is that their students / customers might pick up new ideas and begin to question some of the things that their instructor / shop has told them, and gear they have sold them.
So, the dive community very much needs venues like SB, in order to see this 'stuff' being discussed (and participate in those discussions), because divers are not going to get it from the majority of shops and instructors out there.
I say this as a person who supports local dive shops, who encourages divers to use local shops, and who staffs / instructs through a local shop. I am definitely not a LDS 'basher'. But, I sincerely believe that many shops (including my own) could be doing a MUCH BETTER JOB than they are doing.