Girl talk: is there a bathroom on the boat???

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With no time outs, English football fans are forced to keep a constant vigil over their much loved teams.

What do these brave men do?

They have a piss in a rolled up newspaper, mate!!!!!!! Right there in the stands-What loyalty.

It is only the Americans who have an undying need of hyper hygiene!!!

My brother's German nanny said that before she came to America she thought "all Americans did was bathe and shop"....and then she found out she was right.
I am not sure why women think a sanitary bathroom is only desired by women.

Bathrooms pretty disgust me everywhere I go, and taking a leak (shouldn't it be "giving" a leak?) in drysuit is not an option. I do not touch handles, flush levers andtouch such stuff directly, and if for some strange reason my gyroscopically balanced gimballing member loses it's missile lock-on with the bowl opening due to seas, then I clean things up out of simple courtesy, hygiene and respect.

Admittedly though, I have no qualms about practicing my calligraphy whilst outdoors.

What grosses me out the most though is to see long wiry curlies on porcelain bowls left by Sasquatch crotchs......for christssss sake, who ignores grooming standards down south just because it is somewhat more hidden?! yuck.......
I am new around here and thought this was an interesting and humorous topic. Don't get me wrong I feel for you ladies. There are some pretty digusting facilities out there and I thank god that I can stand. Well most of the time...anyway.

I have however run across one solution found at this address.

Has any of you tried this method.

Just trying to help.


Small boats often are headless, and those heads that will fit in a boat under 30' generally don't work very well. While most guys have no problem pumping bilges directly to sea, dropping ballast directly to sea is a lot trickier, especially if wearing a farmer john/jane or dry suit. Dropping ballast requires the use of different muscles than the ones used on the "western" head and it takes most people a while to master this advance diving skill.

The ever-present 5-gallon bucket provides a simple ready solution to the dilemma for both polarities. When coupled with a strategically placed beach towel it's even fairly modest. The trick to this operation is to fill the bucket with seawater FIRST, and then empty and rinse well with seawater again immediately after use. Some boats frown on you using the mask rinse bucket for a head, but bringing your "loose" gear (that which will not be worn or racked between dives) aboard in one provides a simple head in an emergency.

BTW on the "Dawn" portion of the thread some USCG groups have considered that having Dawn on board a small boat with an inboard engine as proof you are pumping oily bilge water over the side in violation of the Clean Water Act regs. I have to admit that a half-cup of dawn and 20 gallons or so of fresh water in the bilge before a run well offshore is the fastest way to clean the bilge though, so the Feds may actually have a point. OTOH well dispersed oil of any type is lunch for the bottom of the food chain, so why should they care?

I dive off RIB's in the UK waters so I've always got a drysuit on. On a typical day we'll go out to sea at 9am and return at 4pm. I can't wait that long for a wee particularly as most of our first dives are to 40m and it's really cold and the pressure squeezes my bladder. I'm too much of a coward to pee over the side so I have to wear an adult nappy and as long as you pee slowly they work. Let's face it after 37 years of being potty trained it's hard to pee quickly anyway. So when I go on a boat with any kind of head it's a real treat, even the one where I had to go while the captain stood in the doorway to block the guys from seeing!

You raised a very good point there, I wonder?

I hear the guys at langley camoflage theirs by putting the odd pine cone alongside

Scarey really!

Fortunately any time I've been out on a charter boat, I've never had the 'urge' to go when there hasn't been a head. I think anyone appreciates a clean head (guy or girl).

Guess it had something to do with all the travelling I did as a kid, and my father telling me to wait until the next gas station.

Some of the links you guys have shared - what a hoot.
I wish there were more like you who really appreciate a clean head.

Maybe we should form a Quorum.

Lets call it "The clean head appreciation society".


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