Girl talk: is there a bathroom on the boat???

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Actually if you're well-hydrated to the point of clear fluid it's a lot less disgusting than some of the water I've seen in swimming pools. Our pool at the university was so disgusting due to a poorly operating filtration system a few years ago that the instructor and I took a jar to the deep end and filled it with the resident hairball--almost 2 feet long (UGH!) and pool water. She took it to the department head's office, placed it on his desk and said "This is your swimming pool, what are you going to do about it?" The water was a nasty tan/milky/clear color in the jar. They finally did fix that filtration system, thank goodness, and we help out by vacuuming the pool for them when they don't have someone to do it.

I keep Ivory dish washing liquid with me when I go diving to cleanse my suit after every wearing whether I "used" it or not and have never had any foul odor problems.

:jester: "There are 2 kinds of divers, those who "go" (or have "gone" before) in their suits and those who lie about it." Author unknown

Cheers to all!

Ber :bunny:
LOL on the quote. And here's a helpful hint. Dawn liquid is better then Ivory. I take " Dawn" everywhere with me. She can even get out grime and dirt on dishes and pans! I have been trying to get ahold of the people that make Dawn to do a live commercial for them. I love the stuff. Hehehehe
PS Ya know I thought I could hold up the bottle underwater ...
PPS Achu, Did you think your post would turn into this? LoL
Wow, didn't realize "Dawn" was so gentle under her tough exterior! Just figured Ivory would be gentler to use on my swimsuits and wetsuits while "Dawn" was relegated to the tough work in the kitchen.:D Just checked the labels of both and both are biodegradable, who would have guessed? Guess "Dawn" will get the job when Ivory quits! Thanks for the enlightenment!

Ber :bunny:
I just couldn't help myself on that one!
Anyway, I am thankful for the longer trips/bigger boats we have out here...there is always a head on board.
I actually used to be the Finance Mgr. for Procter & Gamble's liquid dishwashing soap business (Dawn, Joy, Ivory) whole working life was dedicated to understanding dishwashing liquid consumers....pretty exciting stuff ;-)

You might want to try Dawn "Special Care" -- it is a little gentler on your hands. I helped launch this product when I worked there ......although I'm not sure if it is still avail. in stores. P&G has launched several new "flavors" of Dawn recently (with new fruity scents) which may have displaced "Special Care" from store shelves.

Bottom line -- Dawn is the best hand dishwashing cleaning product P&G makes (it is also the most expensive) in terms of cleaning effectiveness. One other point -- historically, consumers have had a very negative impression of Dawn when it comes to hand mildness, so they have also put alot of $$$ recently into making it milder on your hands but keeping its great cleaning power.

Probably more than you wanted to know, but since you seemed interested.......
LOL. That's hilarious! Who would have guessed you were the man behind "Dawn"? See you can find anything and anyone on the scuba board. Now can you call your old boss and get me a TV spot?
PS I like the new " Tropical Breeze" scent.
VERY interesting! So, which one is better for your delicate swimwear and wetsuits? Dawn or Ivory if "Special Care" isn't available.

Ber :bunny:
I think Dawn, Joy, Ivory or liquid laundry detergents (Tide, etc.) would work fine, although I would dilute them in water before using on clothes or your wetsuit -- direct application (at least with the dish soaps) could cause things to stain/discolor.

I should pass this on to the P&G marketing guys -- another potential use for liquid dish soap. Dawn actually is used quite a bit in non-tradtional situations such as cleaning up oil spills (great at diluting grease/oil). If I remember correctly, P&G donated a bunch of Dawn for the clean-up the the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska.

When I was living in Cincinnati, there was a chemical truck accident on I-75 that spilled a huge amount of animal fat on the roadway. We provided the clean-up crews with a bunch of Dawn......and we were "thrilled" that all the evening news crews were holding up big bottles of Dawn on the air, telling their audience how Dawn had "saved the day".
When you use the head on a boat, isn't that the same as jumping in the water? The last time I was in the deep blue I had the distinct impression that the head was merely adding a step to the process. The boat captain implied this during his rowlf briefing. He said if you rowlf in the ocean it is the same as rowlfing in the head, except no one has to clean the head.

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