Ginnie 07/04 weekend?

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Central Florida
OK, it is starting to become a fool family tradition. The past two years, we have spent the 4th of July weekend camping at Ginnie Springs. Both years, they have put on an awesome fireworks show in the field to the left of the entrance gate, and I & the fool family have had a great time.

If not Ginnie, where could a small group of us go camping with nearby diving & fireworks? I was thinking possibly somewhere around Venice, although vis @ Venice is rather risky. Any other suggestions?
darn, i'll be in Bonaire, or I'd jump at the chance
I'd call you Lucky, and I'd call you Dawg, but then you would be One Lucky Dawg, so I won't. Have a blast, my friend!
There is a possibility of us being free for something, whether it would be a day trip out to where you are staying (FL summer and camping just dont go together!!) and diving who knows???? Will keep an eye out on what comes up on this thread.
It is settled, then. The fool & his family WILL be camping at Ginnie Springs for the Fourth of July weekend. Anyone in the area interested in joining me for some bubble blowing? DSW? Gibbon? Anyone?
It is settled, then. The fool & his family WILL be camping at Ginnie Springs for the Fourth of July weekend. Anyone in the area interested in joining me for some bubble blowing? DSW? Gibbon? Anyone?

I've been offline for a bit. A bad head cold blew out my right ear! I tried diving and couldn't equalize. Need to try again soon. I am also looking for something to take the toddler to for 4th of July. I have to work Saturday and Monday, so the 4th is all I'll have that week for recreation. We might just day stay. I'll let you know as the date gets closer.

My world is really crazy right now. We may be moving to a new house in a month and am trying to get everything in order, physically and financially. :crafty:
Yeah, I had noticed that you were uncharacteristically (whew. I think I spelled that right!) absent from our little group lately. Hopefully you can get back online in time to do some diving by then. It would be so uncool to be a lone SB diver at Ginnie after all of the h___ you caused them over the last trip. I might end up drawn & quartered!
I caught that nasty two weeker and it was killing my ears. I felt like my head was going to explode. My ears were killing me and the opportunity came up to dive. I took the op, but couldn't get below ten feet without discomfort. I was a shallow water diver for the day. I am able to clear the tubes now, but haven't been under since then. Gibbon and I will be making a trip to Manatee on Friday to see how things are working for me. HOPEFULLY, all is well. I will just need to pressurize more often.
BTW if ya need spelling, try
Hey there Fool.

Even if DSW can't go to Ginnie, I'll be there. (I'll call it a birthday gift for myself).
Birthday?! Did I hear birthday? Birthday parties are the best! Especially when they include large amounts of fireworks. I plan on getting to Ginnie mid to late morning on Saturday the 3rd. Set up camp, dive, dive, and maybe one more dive, eat, sleep, dive, dive, eat dive dvie, eat, watch fireworks, & return home.

I will be driving a red Ford Explorer Sport, circa 1998.
Hope to see you there, Gibbon, along with whoever else might show up.

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