Gilboa January 18th - 19th?

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well, I'll have to check out the site, and see what is required for those deep dives.
Who all would be interested if I draft up a plan?
canuckdiver once bubbled...
well, I'll have to check out the site, and see what is required for those deep dives.
Who all would be interested if I draft up a plan?
What the heck, I'm game...wonder what their requirements are though...depends on your plan's DIR, right? :wink:

This ain't bad either...we could reserve one if we have enough people going:

There are 2 Gilboa Quarry Bunkhouses located in the Vertical Reality building. Sleep 5 in one + 6 in the other. Heated: $10 per night per person per person, with a minimum charge of $40 per night.
Though I've never stayed in them I know that the showers at the quarry aren't the most pleasant for first thing in the morning, but they are good for diving. If you do a little digging on his site, I also think you'll find he has two seperate prices for the bunk houses. Also, it wouldn't surprise me if the bunk houses are just cots on a concrete floor with a space heater in the corner. Plus, the closest places to eat breakfast are Findlay and Ottawa, so you'll be driving to get breakfast anyway. I'm not so sure I'd bunk there...all you're really doing is camping in a heated shelter.

As for the deep side, it isn't a big deal to fill out and have a deep plan approved. I'm not sure that the forms are on his site, but I'm pretty sure they're not (I've been wrong before though). Mike just pretty much looks at it and says "you guys be safe now", but he does require that you fill it out....and no I'm certain it isn't DIR'll see what I mean when you get there. Mike pretty much runs the place with as little help as he can get by with. He's there pretty much 24-7, and he is a little on the odd side of the O-ring, I know you don't consider yourself normal, but you'll just have to wait and see what Mike (or steve as we affectionately call him) is all about.
the deep dive plans aren't listed on the site, neither are the requirements for equipment/training.
Just have to wait and see on that one I guess.

As to the bunkhouses, I'd be up for it, depending on who else we get. I can supply a campstove and we can do the whole roughing it routine :wink:
I will be in the hotel in Fendley. You all have fun in the cold.

ckharlan66 once bubbled...
I will be in the hotel in Fendley. You all have fun in the cold.

I'll do the hotel...but I ain't rooming with dumplin' after reading the thong and black leather anyone normal coming?
Big-t-2538 once bubbled...
But then again, she is from KY.
Are you kidding? We have to make a differentiation between Kentucky "normal" and rest of the nation "normal". If you have any sheep in your family you don't count as "rest of the nation normal".
canuckdiver once bubbled...
the deep dive plans aren't listed on the site, neither are the requirements for equipment/training.
Just have to wait and see on that one I guess.

As to the bunkhouses, I'd be up for it, depending on who else we get. I can supply a campstove and we can do the whole roughing it routine :wink:

the only "training requirements" to dive the deep side are that you have to be an advanced diver, or a diver taking an advanced class being escorted by an instructor. As for equipment requirments, if you are planning a dive greater than 80 ft, the equipment requirments kick in b/c there is a platform at 80 ft for training. I know that isn't the greatest policy, but it is what is in place.


Not everyone in Kentucky HAS sheep, some have to borrow their neighbors sheep, and some have to go without....
The main purpose for the policy is to get divers to think and maybe to get some to change their mind and go to the other side. 120 at Gilboa isn't like 120 in the Caribbean. I have seen some things over there.

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