>>Total bull! Modern first stages are designed with working pressures of that type. Furthermore, as E- and X- and whatever 3442 psi cylinders become more and more popular, LP tanks are slowly disappearing.
There's no reason to buy an LP 95 when you can get an E8-119 or X8-119 that's the same size and weight but holds 20cf more gas at its rated pressure, and doesn't need a + rating!<<
>>piikki, if higher pressure were that much more failure inducing, cavers wouldn't pump their LP tanks up to 4000 psi to do serious penetrations.
Also, in Europe, "high pressure" is 300 bar... which is over 4000 psi! Standard 200 bar tanks are over 3000 psi as well<<
I am relieved to hear these tidbits
(awaiting the inevitable BUT). When I was buying tanks I was not too educated but I sure knew I was not going to be diving for long if I had to dive Al and drag all that extra weight around my waist. So steel it was, and my LDS basically stated that they do not understand why anybody would buy LP anymore when the price difference is so minimal (no he aint no techie that is for sure but I had not even heard of technical diving at that time).
Since Ive lived most of my life in Europe, DIN would have been my choice even if I didnt opt for HP. I knew I wouldn't be able to haul two tanks unless some medical miracle, so I went for HP to get some air out of my tanks. Boy, I would not want to hear I maxed my chances of gear failures because of the pressure inem! I did study my reg I want to attach it to those 5000 PSI nice little yellow Poseidon tanks back at home

The guy in the shop assured my stuff is compatible, and I didn't find anythign stating the opposite at the time.
I cant imagine I ever do but air and nitrox either. Now, this summer steels been in short supply and since I wanted to dive THIS summer I had limited choice. Now I realize there are quite a lot of differences between HP 80s even! Or better said now I understand the differences slightly better than when I first read them without any dives under my belt
I do anticipate though that if I turned up to fundie course with wetsuit and HP tank, I might get whupped...