Thank you for the quick education but you're knocking on the wrong door here. I immigrated to Canada from Germany 4 1/2 years ago so I'm fairly informed about Europe.

I think I should get the belt with the buckle now, you should particularly know not to say "steel tanks are cheaper in Europe" then!! But let's not go there, it's the same old foreigner-to-American -exchange: "Are you American?? You know I've been to NYC once!!! Do you know Jim and his family from there?" It's too large an area to lump into a statement like that IMHO. But I admit I am more acutely aware of these issues because I come from the peripheria, AND also lived in Great Britain for years, and boy was that different in some aspects (AND expensive). But no bad blood!
<<The fact that I left Europe should tell you how much I envy you over there.

Maybe in Scandinavia you don't have tank manufacturers and this is the reason why they are so expensive?>>
Poseidon makes'em but as I just started diving I am not too informed of the diving in the cold north. I just checked some prices at one point when consdiering diving during visit back to family... Whee...
<<In Germany, there are 2 companies making steel tanks and a 10 litre steel tank went for around 200 German Mark (Yeah, when I left Europe, I still had Deutsche Mark) which were around US $140-150. Even with the price hike after switching to Euro$, they should still be cheaper than here.>>
What are the German companies? I am such a newbie I know of only Italians and Swedes.
<<I'm not sure whether you'd need a EU stamp or a stamp of your country on the tank as the EEC has new rules every other day. If a EEC stamp is the only one required, you may look to other European countries to get your tank from. Maybe a stop over in Germany on your way home?

Now, guess why I didn't bring any tanks over with me.

Yeah talk about those changes... I don't dare to look up if my cats will be 'lucky to live old' and retire with me one day. Inside EU things must be easier by now (yes, I left before Euro do, and am feeling like a retard talking about marks and crowns and stuff, I was learning pounds when swap-over happened).
Price-wise I barely brought anything over with me. And you people complain about gas. Try 6.5 euros....