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It doesn't matter what they charge for gas, we will pay it. The oil companies know this and are pushing it as far as they can without sparking violent civil unrest. If they charge $12 a gallon we will pay it. We have to. They have us right where they want us. It's all about what they think they can get away with....and in a free market that could be quite alot. Greed is an ugly, ugly thing.

The great majority of us are completely dependent on our vehicles and public transportation is not an option.
My local corner 7-11 just went to 3.85 a gallon for regular (only to continue to rise of course---and still higher priced at a few other area stores),,,,I feel so f'#@&^$!! sad for these struggling gas companies. :shakehead:

What a good thread to post to expose the greed of the oil companies.

Let's see, no shortage of oil. Let's see, controlled by the middle east since our government wants Russia to take the oil under North America and won't let us drill anywhere in North America for oil.

The EPA wants us to walk to work, and if your too far from work to walk they want you to go on welfare without a job so you don't drive.

This thing is upside down if you ask me. A complete disgrace to the American based oil companies. A complete burden on the average working class American.

Did you notice how high food prices are too? They have gone up this last month probably due to the out of control oil prices.

Just tonight, I was filling my truck up, end of the week and it is double the price of a year ago on my Friday fill up. A year ago it was too expensive.

Makes me want to buy a motorcycle and really get em good. Hard to pack my scuba gear on a bike.


Just my personal opinion with a DIMWIT flare.
it costs me over $150.00 to fill up

I can not live closer to work because I can't afford a $500,000 dollar house

I car pool to work

I run biodiesel when I can

Gas needs to hit $15.00 a gallon, its the only way Americans are going to kick the habbit, sadly it shouldn't take this but between our wonderful government that is spoon fed by big oil and American attitudes, this is what its going to take.

The idea of the market correcting itself can't really be applied to fuel, people have to buy fuel - no matter what - and there are no alternatives, no REAL alternatives, diesel trucks on the highways have to roll on diesel, its not like they'll just start filling their tanks with soft drinks or beer cause its cheaper.

What happens is people just don't spend their money elsewhere because they HAVE to buy fuel, its not an option, there are no alternatives.

Everything in our economy is based on oil, transporation, goods (just about everything today has oil parts, even this laptop I type on has components that require oil)

Its like a government backed monopoly, your pretty much screwed.

I don't get us, here we are this "powerful" country that is addicted to this black crud and do nothing but scream about it when its expensive.

China is in the process, and has been for years, to start processing fuels from coal as they see energy independance as important, so does south africa.

what does America do? hey opec you suck pump more oil.


what do we need to do? here is an idea

Start today to build breeder reactors, lots of them

During the development of the reactors start processing coal for fuel, crank down on these 20 mpg vehicles make the minimum 40 or 50 mpg (we have the technology, there is no excuse).

Blend in biofuels from waste stock (a seriously undertapped resource) not from the joke crop called corn.

Limp by on the haugepauge fuel from oil, coal, and bio this could also include black and green diesel until a hydrogen infrastrucure could be built

Breeder reactors make a "hydrogen" economy doable, you can burn hydrogen cleanly in vehicles.

Then we tell OPEC to go screw themselves instead of sending 600 billion a year overseas to terrorist countries.

Yes we will have to piss off a lot fo people and destroy a lot of land to get the coal to hold us over, yes we may have to drill in the artic too, and yes no one wants a reactor in the back yard, but we are going to have to get over it.

oh and yes breeders are not fool proof but since they are not seriously considered the technology does not progress, but they do exist, France I beleive has a couple, india wants to build one etc but we won't build them here in the U.S., I think all we build here are the light water reactors, you know, the kind thats waste will make you glow in the dark for thousands of years.
Wait...isn't this a forum for diving?!? It costs me $7 to fill my tank. $6 if I'm at Windy Point!

My tank fills are FREE !!!!:D

But it is costing me $85 to fill my little pick-up when it used to cost $40, So I have been riding my Motorcycle very frequently...

Gas here hit a high of $4.15 a gallon for Regular yesterday.
Lets say gas costs 2.00 a gallon to produce. Now, most oil companies are publicly traded. They need to have a profit margin. Lets say their profit margin is 10 percent.

So gas costs you 2.20 in this highly artificial scenario.

Guess what happens to the price when cost to produce goes up to 3 or 4 dollars a gallon?

So while the profit margin stays the same, the gas company technically makes more money. Congress is always big about pointing out the raw dollar amount but always forgets the margin is about the same. If it were any other company, this would be ignored. However, putting an oil company exec in front of congress and talking tough to them makes Joe Six Pack think you are doing something when in all likelihood, you the congressman are the real problem.

Now here's a wild idea a politician had. There is an 18 cent gas tax you pay at the pump. Why don't we make the gas company pay it?
Before. 3x1.10=3.30
After. 3.18x1.10=3.498

Wow, sounds like a good idea right?
What a good thread to post to expose the greed of the oil companies.

Let's see, no shortage of oil. Let's see, controlled by the middle east since our government wants Russia to take the oil under North America and won't let us drill anywhere in North America for oil.

The EPA wants us to walk to work, and if your too far from work to walk they want you to go on welfare without a job so you don't drive.

This thing is upside down if you ask me. A complete disgrace to the American based oil companies. A complete burden on the average working class American.

Did you notice how high food prices are too? They have gone up this last month probably due to the out of control oil prices.

Just tonight, I was filling my truck up, end of the week and it is double the price of a year ago on my Friday fill up. A year ago it was too expensive.

Makes me want to buy a motorcycle and really get em good. Hard to pack my scuba gear on a bike.


Just my personal opinion with a DIMWIT flare.

I was thinking about how to load my gear on my bicycle trailer and drag it to WP for a dive. As I live off 620 near diveworld1, the ride there is doable, but the ride back would be a b*&^h. Since heavy exercise is not recommended post dives, I guess I will just have to keep driving there. I don't mind dragging my dog a half mile over to the parks in Anderson mill on the bike trailer, but my steel 72 probably weighs more than he does and the ride back from the lake is all uphill :(.
I was thinking about how to load my gear on my bicycle trailer and drag it to WP for a dive. As I live off 620 near diveworld1, the ride there is doable, but the ride back would be a b*&^h. Since heavy exercise is not recommended post dives, I guess I will just have to keep driving there. I don't mind dragging my dog a half mile over to the parks in Anderson mill on the bike trailer, but my steel 72 probably weighs more than he does and the ride back from the lake is all uphill :(.

I like the bike idea.

BUT then we have to figure in the time factor to the equation.

You ask, "What is the time factor?"

Well let's see I average about a 60 hour work week, riding a bicycle each way would add an additional 2 hour commute times 6 days and make it a 72 hour week, if I leave at lunch on my bike go to the LDS drop my tanks to be filled and pick them up it would be a 75 hour week, before errands and chores. I bet I would be in really good shape.............Don't know if a bike could be rigged for 2 - steel 120's at 60 pounds plus me...... I expect my wife would leave me and I would be out sleeping in the street.

She already thinks diving is cutting into her time with me. Hope someone gets her certified one of these daze.................

That's of course if I don't get run over with one of these crazy Austin drivers................:shakehead:
I expect my wife would leave me and I would be out sleeping in the street.

See? You'd turn a profit right there! And she'd be happier too. Everyone wins! :eyebrow:

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