Garmin Fenix 8

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Chicago suburbs
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100 - 199
Has anybody tried the new Garmin?

Looking for a dive computer/watch that can be used as a watch when not diving. I only dive a few times a year (recreational warm weather diving) and like the idea of being able to use the watch as an everyday smart watch.

Looked at the new Suunto dive watch and like the ergonomics of the Garmin better based on the few video reviews I have watched. Wondering how the Fenix 8 performs as a dive computer?
Pheonix 8 does not look like a dive computer. I believe you need tp look at the Descent series.
The Fenix 8 dive capabilities are outlined about half way down this page:
Garmin has been making fine dive computers and I'm sure the Fenix 8 will be great, within its limitations.
The Fenix 8 should be an excellent Recreational dive computer. It has the same basic dive App as the Garmin Descent MK3 but limited to 40m... past 40m the the screen turns red to warn the diver they're beyond rec dive limits.
Looks like it's a great option.
In a few months I will be passing on my Fenix 7X Sapphire Solar to my son and treating myself to the Fenix 8. It should make a good backup to my Perdix or even a good primary while doing Caribbean vacation diving.
Wondering how the Fenix 8 performs as a dive computer?
Having used the Garmin MK2s for the past couple years, I would expect that the Fenix 8 will perform well as a dive computer. As you only dive a few times a year, this would likely be a great choice. It appears to use the same Dive app as the Descent series, though with some functions not available. For a recreational diver, those would likely not be needed.

If you are planning on getting a Smart/Activity Watch anyway, this would be a great choice for an occasional recreational diver. There will be some who will say that they wouldn't trust a Smart/Activity Watch as a Dive Computer, but then there are those that have actually used them. I use my Garmin as a backup to my Shearwater. They are both very reliable and track well together.

Garmin has been producing very capable dive computers for a while now. The Fenix 8 seems to be following the trend of late of taking a tech capable computer and stripping it down a bit of some features for the recreational market. Those features removed are unlikely to be used by a recreational diver.
I'm also try to decide between Suunto ocean and this Garmin Fenix 8. I don't do tech diving and really wanna have one combined smart watch & dive computer
Garmin has great CS and obviously a great track record in general
I'm also try to decide between Suunto ocean and this Garmin Fenix 8. I don't do tech diving and really wanna have one combined smart watch & dive computer
If you need air integration, then it would be the Suunto. If not, Garmin probably has better above water applications. I have not been a fan of Suunto in the past, but perhaps they have corrected their deficiencies. I have the Garmin Descent Mk1 and the 965 and both have exceeded my expectations.
The Fenix 8 would be really tempting if I didn't already have the other Garmins.
If you need air integration, then it would be the Suunto. If not, Garmin probably has better above water applications. I have not been a fan of Suunto in the past, but perhaps they have corrected their deficiencies. I have the Garmin Descent Mk1 and the 965 and both have exceeded my expectations.
No need for air integration. I'm not also fan of suuntos algorithm. Quite often my bottom time ends too soon compared to other group, when I've been using Suunto D5 or vyper.
No need for air integration. I'm not also fan of suuntos algorithm. Quite often my bottom time ends too soon compared to other group, when I've been using Suunto D5 or vyper.
I'm not a fan of Suunto. For me, there seem to be a lot of better choices out there, so I'd be unlikely to look at Suunto for my next dive computer.

That said, if you are already familiar with Suunto, and happy with them aside from the algorithm, the Suunto Ocean is probably worth a look. The Ocean doesn't use the RGBM variants found in most of their computers. The Ocean uses Buhlmann 16 with GFs which should be more comparable with what Garmin uses.

However, on Suunto's website, this feature is listed as "Suunto Bühlmann 16 algorithm." The fact that they listed Suunto in front makes me wonder if there is not some additional conservatism added on. I don't know for sure, this just struck me as odd the way this was listed.

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