I've been a big fan of Garmin watches for running for about 10 years, have a horrible SAC rate, and use a Sherwood Vision which is an older dive computer I am considering replacing. I am tempted to spend a weekend in a quarry with a Mk3i to get some data on my heart rate - the assumption being that the higher my heart rate, the worse my gas consumption, and that a Mk3i can give me nice graphs of both together. For example, can keeping my arms statue-still lower my heart rate? Does it raise when I fin hard? Does it matter if I frog kick or flutter? Is it higher with a camera? Does having a thicker wetsuit raise or lower my heart rate in cold water? My heart rate varies a lot by day and time and how I slept, ate, etc - it 73bpm right now and true resting is less than 60bpm. I didn't do any exercise today except weight lifting, but I had a big dinner with alcohol. Is my assumption right or can I use more air with a low heart beat and less with a higher rate? I could probably do a similar analysis with the Garmin watch I already have and the Sherwood with a little more work.
So my question is mainly for people with the MK3i. Have you ever tried to do something like this? Do you collect heart rate data on your dive? Do you find it useful?
So my question is mainly for people with the MK3i. Have you ever tried to do something like this? Do you collect heart rate data on your dive? Do you find it useful?