I am certain you are correct and that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that o-rings and seals age, deteriorate and crack,springs also age, adjustments need to be made with time and wear or the need tocheck that no water has found its way inside your 1st stage and started rustingparts inside.herman:....Needs means the reg is not performing correctly, not that some arbitrary time interval has elapsed. "Manuf suggested servicing" is simply there to keep the warranty in effect and as a revenue source for dive shops...
IMHO Regulators are like airplane engines (another item that getsserviced/inspected regularly on a schedule just to increase the profit marginof the maintenance company and the aircraft manufacturer), I would ratherreplace a part before it breaks in preventative maintenance, than towait until it breaks/malfunction in use. So for me, my gear gets serviced oncea year, or every 100 dives or so, whichever comes. Overkill? Perhaps...but itis a choice I can live with.
True, you can wait until it "needs servicing" which is indicated by amalfunctioning in some way. But the question is this, would you rather waituntil it malfunctions (hopefully with a minor problem and not catastrophicmalfunction creating an emergency situation), and perhaps have to cancel a diveor a dive trip because the gear has to go to the shop on its schedule, or havethe gear preventatively serviced at a time and place of your choosing when itis not interrupting your dive plans. True, catastrophic malfunctions of scuba equipmentare rare, and IMHO are usually caused by neglecting to....wait forit....service your equipment on a regular basis.
Do you service your car (change the oil etc) on a schedule or wait until it"needs servicing" when it starts to "not functioncorrectly" which we normally call malfunction?
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