Florida is definitely on my radar...I have heard great things about it, especially the shark diving which I love! I do want to visit sometime. I also hear the Keys are great.
Airfare is reasonable but landing costs like hotel, car rental, and food add up. I've been to Florida before, but not for diving. It's not expensive in that it's prohibitive, but factor in costs for per-tank diving and adding all that up, it turns out to be more expensive than for me to fly out to southeast asia all-in assuming I don't do a liveaboard and do land-based, even with airfare.

When I travel with someone and can share a twin/double room the costs are even lower for hotels. They're cheap enough as a single already. It's hard to beat the boat diving with tanks, weights, guide costs in the Philippines with nitrox..It's like $25 a tank and it's concierge diving. Meals for 2 people, including alcohol, appetizers, 2 entrees can be less than $10-$15 USD per meal.
Do you think costs are also up because there's an event in Bonaire or there's as group that is searching prices and adding them to "carts" but not checking out that is swinging the flights? I wonder what Hopper app says. Anyone check that yet? They do pretty accurate fare forecasting.....