just an update from the italian newspapers: the owner of the diving center Pesciolino sub, Roberto Navarra, is now officially investigated about the tragedy in Palinuro. I have also read in more than one article that the DM who was leading the dive and also died in the accident, was in Palinuro for the first time. Not sure about how this can be true but it was reported in more than one online article...
I live in Rome, got my certification here and have only been diving in Italy so far. I have 40 logged dives and an AOW cert, have to admit unfortunately that several times I have noticed a superficial attitude in the instructors and guides of diving centers around Italy. My husband is a DM with lots of experience and he was asked several times to lead dives that he did not know just because of the number of divers on the boat and just not enough guides to look over all of them, often OWD!! (for the record he refused...). Recently he just shows his AOW certificate so not to be asked... at the same times not every diving center in Italy is like that!! our very good friend had dove that cave last year and she remembers the sign at the entrance of the muddy cunicle... too bad it wasn't there anymore. It is just sad that filling up diving boat and cashing in money from divers sometimes comes prior to safety and appropriate preparation.
That's one part of the problem, the other is the widespread irresponsible habit of breaking the rules learned in class without a proper assessment of its implication. Another tragedy happened in Italy a while back where a father and a son died and the dive master survived. He was charged and taken to court.