Suggestion Forum for Plus-Size Divers

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I've encountered a lot of hostility and misunderstanding on this board and I think there should be a place where plus-size divers can discuss their concerns without having to deal with the fat phobia that's on the rest of the board. Thank you.
This smells suspicious, coming on the heels of the clean and sober thread, where people were talking about balkanization.
Personal attacks and insulting posts could be removed,
and on the
After the damage has been done.

"Hi, folks. I'm a little on the heavy side, and I've got some questions about my gear, where to put my weights for best trim, and whether I should use a belt, ankle weights, or use weight-integrated BC."

I could just see an answer now " stop eating all them cheeseburgers and exercise, then you would not have this problem" ....Believe me someone would do it.

I understand the request and if granted it should be understood one attack on large the board, end of story
After the damage has been done.

"Hi, folks. I'm a little on the heavy side, and I've got some questions about my gear, where to put my weights for best trim, and whether I should use a belt, ankle weights, or use weight-integrated BC."

I could just see an answer now " stop eating all them cheeseburgers and exercise, then you would not have this problem" ....Believe me someone would do it.
Actually, questions like that have been asked many times on ScubaBoard ... and invariably the requestor has received information that was both informative and polite.

Check out some of these threads for examples ...

I think most of our members really would rather be helpful than to worry about someone else's weight ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Al Mialkovsky:
Most obese people have been hammered every day of their life Frank. I'm not pushing for such a forum but I understand why it could benefit some divers.
I can see both initial reaction was "c'mon, last week it was a clean and sober diver forum, what's next, a forum for red heads, for chevy drivers, or for those that secretly sing in the shower"?
But, after reading some of the posts, I can see the other side. The issue is this, when you post, regardless of the forum it's in, it also gets posted in the "new posts" area, so everyone sees it anyways. The only forum that doesn't happen to is the "Instructor to Instructor" forum. Would those that want this forum want a similar forum? If so, how much work is it for the administators? If it's that important to you, and that much work for them, would you be willing to "go red" and help pay for the extra work?
Just a few thoughts and questions I had,
I didn't see any insults to anyone, either personally or through inference. I saw people discussing a situation that makes them uncomfortable. In that particular forum (Whine & Cheeze), I don't think that's inappropriate.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Bob with all due respect you aren't a woman. You certainly can't speak for an obese woman anymore than I can. When a woman sees comments about fat people spilling over into their space I'll wager you she feels insulted. She certainly feels uncomfortable.

After my gastric bypass surgery I moderated a support group at the hospital for obese people who wanted to discuss the surgery and other options. Granted I wasn't obese my entire life as it hit me after 40 but the stories some of these women shared would break your heart.

I have to say it annoys me if I'm sitting next to someone who clearly cannot fit into the seat at all and is totally on mine. I am sorry that the individual may not have the money for two seats, but I am not swimming in wealth either and it is totally unfair that the individual is getting half *my* seat for free when I paid for it. On long flights, it takes discomfort to a entirely new level, and the infringement on my space is sufficient that I've been unable to sleep on overnight flights, thus arrived totally exhausted at the airport, screwing up the first portion of my trip, so that doesn't seem particularly fair.

This is on the thread titled Rude People. So in other words that user thinks fat people are rude because they infringed on their personal space.

Might not be against the TOS but it's rude in itself as far as I'm concerned.

So in my opinion like all sites with a TOS the TOS is very subjective at least. Which might be a reason to have the obese forum which the user requested.

It's the price we pay for moderation right?
Al Mialkovsky:
Bob with all due respect you aren't a woman. You certainly can't speak for an obese woman anymore than I can. When a woman sees comments about fat people spilling over into their space I'll wager you she feels insulted. She certainly feels uncomfortable.
I don't think it's a gender issue so much as a self-esteem issue. FWIW - note that the majority of the people who were complaining were, themselves, women.

Al Mialkovsky:
This is on the thread titled Rude People. So in other words that user thinks fat people are rude because they infringed on their personal space.

Might not be against the TOS but it's rude in itself as far as I'm concerned.
Oh ... I agree with you. Did you happen to notice my own post on the subject?

Al Mialkovsky:
So in my opinion like all sites with a TOS the TOS is very subjective at least. Which might be a reason to have the obese forum which the user requested.
In this case, there's nothing subjective about it at all ... there was no ToS violation, and the "hostility" alluded to had nothing to do with being overweight ... there was one poster who objected to being told she had to be "educated" because she didn't agree with another poster's viewpoint. And even in that case, the objection did not cross the ToS line.

Al Mialkovsky:
It's the price we pay for moderation right?
Actually, it's the moderators who get to pay for it, in terms of large amounts of donated time, effort, heated discussions back in the moderator's forum, and abuse from disgruntled members.

You get it for free.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Lots of BS for you guys to put up with, I appreciate your efforts :)
"hostility" alluded to had nothing to do with being overweight ... there was one poster who objected to being told she had to be "educated" because she didn't agree with another poster's viewpoint. And even in that case, the objection did not cross the ToS line.

This is true and it had nothing to do with obesity. Since I was in Whine and Cheese forum, I saw it as an opportunity to express one of my pet peeves (and I think this practice is also rude in a smug way). It stems from my aversion to the manipulation of language from a simple "we don't agree" to "you need to be educated." It's perverse and deserves a special rant in Whine and Cheese. I am guility of thread hijacking.

I guess we have a different definition of hostility down here in Dixie. eyebrow

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