it will take me a few weeks to make high performance Jet Fins. Right now I think they must cost about $ 7.00 to make out of rubber. Our cost might be around $80.00 per pair but I know from years of working with hand-cast Poly-urethanes you will feel the difference. To keep the cost down they will only come from me direct. Let's see what the UDT does for Tom. Thanks for your interest. I still stand for the Force Fin concepts, but we have diver's who will go to their graves loving Jet fins so why not give this classic fin design a up-lift from rubber. Best bob
Bob, what is the matter with you?!! :shocked2:
You can't be saying this! What will happen to all the naysayers that constantly criticize you for being so narrow-minded "ForceFins for everyone!!"?!

Actually, I am being facetious, of course.

I for one have never recommended FFins for everyone. Some people just don't like them or don't want to learn to use them. However, far too many techies do use them and they do move a lot of gear around under water so I don't think that there really is a valid issue of the fins being too wimpy to produce enough force.
I think it is a great idea to produce bullet-proof PU jet fins (I won't buy them though, I'll stick with the Pros) and should show Bob's desire to meet the genuine wants and needs of the diving community. Kudos Bob!
Oh, and by the way, hopefully you won't be taxed out of business if a certain tax-loving individual gets elected!
Mike (the capitalist)