Be careful what you wish for, I may just try and talk Bob into pairing you up as a mentor for ME if you are ever back down here . . .
Oh, and thanks for the beer you left at Bob's place, he shared them with us after a class. I owe you one.:beer_yum: :beer_yum: :beer_yum:
Snowbear:I'd love to join you for one of these if I'm ever in there when you have one.... if you decide to let this semi-n00b woman buddy up with or :gasp: actually be one of your mentors :11:
Be careful what you wish for, I may just try and talk Bob into pairing you up as a mentor for ME if you are ever back down here . . .
Oh, and thanks for the beer you left at Bob's place, he shared them with us after a class. I owe you one.:beer_yum: :beer_yum: :beer_yum: